Information Management and Protection (IM&P) provides a variety of resources that have been referenced throughout this website and are available for use. This page is the central location where you can find all of the resources created to date. These resources have been divided into three categories:

For The Record – Quick-tip sheets that provide general guidance on information management and protection topics.
Tools – Templates, assessments, worksheets and classification/retention plans available for immediate download and use. Contact IM&P for assistance in using these tools.
Awareness Materials – Posters that can be printed and posted throughout your workplace to promote information management and protection best practices.
For The Record
For The Record: Clean Desk, Clear Screen – Simple workstation practices to help better manage and protect university information.
For The Record: Create Good Records – Helps you to understand the importance of creating good records and provides some good tips to ensure you are creating good records.
For The Record: Creation and Management of a Generic Email Account - Provides steps for setting up a generic email account and outlines considerations for managing the account.
Considerations for Scanning University Records – Outlines the legal, information management, storage and security considerations when embarking on a scanning project.
For The Record: Dissecting the Malicious Email - Helps you identify the signs of a potentially malicious email.
For The Record: Email Management – How best to clean up, organize and manage your email.
For The Record: Information Management Basics – Information management basics you need to know.
For The Record: Naming Conventions for Electronic Files and Folders – Standard naming conventions for electronic files and folders.
For The Record: Outlook Mailbox Cleanup Quick Tips – Quick tips to assist you in cleaning up your Microsoft Outlook Email.
For the Record: Organizing a Records Cleanup Day - Steps to organize and execute a records cleanup day in your unit.
- Quick Tips for Applying MUNCLASS Retention and Disposal Schedules (RDS) - Step-by-step instructions on how to apply MUNCLASS RDS.
- For The Record: Security Tips When Travelling With Mobile Devices - Quick tips to secure your information while travelling with mobile devices.
For The Record: Shared Drive Management – Steps to cleaning up, organizing and maintaining a shared drive.
Tracking Paper Records While Working Remotely – Useful tips to help track and manage paper records that are moved offsite while employees work remotely.
- For The Record: Transitory Records – How to identify and separate transitory records and dispose of them appropriately.
For The Record: Using Network Drives to Manage Information – Assists you in understanding the difference between a shared network drive and a personal network drive and the types of information that should be stored on each drive.
MUNCLASS – Model classification and retention plan for the management of university records
- Records Destruction Form - Form to authorize records destroyed pursuant to MUNCLASS RDS.
Tools: Inventory Worksheet – Worksheet to organize and gather information about your unit’s records.
Cloud Services Assessment – A risk-based approach to assessing cloud providers from an information management, protection, and privacy perspective. This tool should be used in consultation with IM&P.
Information Risk Assessment – A risk-based approach to assessing an information asset from a confidentiality, integrity and availability perspective to determine appropriate controls. This tool should be used in consultation with IM&P.
Vulnerability Assessment - A risk-based approach in which a series of manual and automated processes and procedures are used to assess and prioritize security vulnerabilities in a system (i.e. application and/or infrastructure). This tool should be used in consultation with IM&P.
Awareness materials
Awareness poster: Email Cleanup - Poster 1 (poster1) – Promotes an email cleanup initiative within your unit.
Awareness poster: Email Cleanup - Poster 2 (poster2) – Promotes an email cleanup initiative within your unit.
Awareness Poster: Malicious Email (poster3)– Tips for detecting a malicious email.
Awareness Poster: Protecting Meeting Rooms (poster) – Promotes good information protection practices in meeting rooms.
Awareness Poster: Protecting Print Jobs (poster) – Promotes good information protection practices when printing.
Records Cleanup How-To (poster) – Provides guidance on setting up a records cleanup day.
Records Cleanup Quick Tips (poster) – Quick tips for deciding what to keep and what to shred or delete.