Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I enroll my child in your centre?
3. Do you accept childcare subsidy?
4. Can I place my unborn child's name on the waitlist?
5. Do you offer part-time care?
6. Are meals provided?
7. What happens if my child doesn't like what is being served?
8. What are the qualifications of your staff?
9. Do you take the children outside?
10. Will my child learn there?
1. A. Complete the online application
B. Once received in our office, your status with Memorial University will be verified and you will be placed on the program waitlist for which you applied. Our waitlist is comprised of three groups full-time undergraduates, full-time graduates and staff/faculty.
C. We will contact you once space is available. You will have the opportunity to take the space or decline and remain on the waitlist for another semester
D. Once accepted you will be given an acceptance package containing all the information you need to provide to complete your child's application.
2. Waitlists time can vary from semester to semester and is different for each program. Our Toddler program tends to have a much longer waitlist as they can only accommodate 30 children, while the preschool programs have the capacity to accept 48 children in each of the two programs. Waitlist times are also dependent on your status with Memorial University. Full-time undergraduate students get first priority, secondly full-time graduate students and finally staff and faculty. Our pre-kindergarten spaces will be offered to the students, staff/faculty and the general public.
3. Yes, we have numerous families who are in receipt of childcare subsidy from Eastern Health as well as other agencies. The parents remain the primary client in these circumstances, and invoices will be issued directly to the parents. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure subsidized funding is kept up to date. In the event there is a discrepancy between the subsidy and the actual cost of child care, the parent will be billed the difference.
4. Yes. If you choose to do so, it is your FULL responsibility to contact us and provide the child’s name and date of birth. You will not be considered for a space in any of our programs until we have received your child’s official date of birth on file.
5. We offer part-time care in our toddler, preschool and school-age programs. A list of part time options can be found by accessing the weekly fee schedule.
6. Our meals and snacks are planned around Canada's Food Guide and are submitted and approved by Eastern Health. Children in all full day programs will receive lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. Lunch is not served in the part-time programs; these programs offer a morning or afternoon snack.
7. We encourage all children to eat and be exposed to a variety of foods. Often, children eat food at the centre that they would not normally eat at home. In cases of allergies or special diets, parents should discuss the meal plan with the Program Operator of their child's centre.
8. All our Early Childhood Educators are certified through the Department of Health and Community Services. Our staff participates in a minimum of 30 hours of professional development to maintain their certification. We take great pride in employing highly trained and professional Early Childhood Educators.
9. Each of our licensed centres has their own outdoor playground. Children enjoy time outside in all kinds of weather. Children are expected to come dressed for outside play everyday. Staff will determine if the weather is too wet or cold throughout the day.
10. The philosophy of Campus Childcare Inc., is that children learn through play. We believe that children's development is promoted through their interactions with a well planned environment that encourages exploration and discovery.