

Project-related publications

Updated May 1, 2024

  • 2023. Henke, Ryan, Julie Brittain, Kamil U. Deen & Sara Acton. The acquisition of the passive voice in Northern East Cree. First Language 44(1), 44-73. DOI 10.1177/01427237231198758

  • 2022. Henke, Ryan E. Rules and exceptions: A Tolerance Principle account of the possessive suffix in Northern East Cree. Journal of Child Language 50(5), 1119–1154. DOI: 10.1017/S0305000922000277

  • 2022. Henke, Ryan E., & Julie Brittain. Obviative demonstratives in Northern East Cree: Insights from child-directed speech. International Journal of American Linguistics 88(1), 53–93.

  • 2022. Rose Yvan, & Julie Brittain. Managing Phonological Development Data within PhonBank: The Chisasibi Child Language Acquisition Study. In The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. Edited by Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Bradley McDonnell, Eve Koller & Lauren B. Collister. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Open. Chapter 32, 391-400. 

    DOI: 10.7551/mitpress/12200.003.0037

  • 2021. Henke, Ryan E. The acquisition of obviation in Northern East Cree: Evidence from possessive constructions. In Papers of the Fiftieth Algonquian Conference, edited by Monica Macaulay & Margaret Noodin. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 113–134. Papers of the Fiftieth Algonquian Conference

  • 2021. Brittain, Julie, & Yvan Rose. The development of preverbs in Northern East Cree: A longitudinal case study. First Language 41(4), 376-405. DOI: 10.1177/0142723720969257

  • 2019. Henke, Ryan E. The development of possession in the L1 acquisition of Northern East Cree. Journal of Child Language 46(5):980-997. DOI: 10.1017/S0305000919000217

  • 2015. Knee, Sarah. Vowel devocalization in Northern East Cree. The Canadian Journal of Linguistics 59(3), 303-338. Project MUSE 

  • 2014. Brittain, Julie, Caroline Erdos & Erica Davis. Resonance Screening Tool for speakers of Northern East Cree. For further information, contact Julie Brittain (

  • 2014. Brittain, Julie & Sara Acton. The lexicon-syntax interface: Root semantics as an indirect determinant of intransitive verb syntax in Cree. International Journal of American Linguistics 80(4), 475-506.

  • 2014. Thorburn, Jennifer. Acquiring Northern East Cree: A case study. In Papers of the Forty-Second Algonquian Conference, edited by Monica Macaulay & J. Rand Valentine. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 263-280.

  • 2014. Brittain, Julie. Root semantics as a determinant of syntactic representation: Evidence from Cree-Montagnais Naskapi. In Papers of the Forty-Second Algonquian Conference, edited by Monica Macaulay & J. Rand Valentine. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 34-55.

  • 2014. Dyck, Carrie, Alethea Power & Kevin Terry. Syncope in East Cree: Phonological or phonetic? In Papers of the Forty-Second Algonquian Conference, edited by Monica Macaulay & J. Rand Valentine. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 120-133.

  • 2012. Junker, Marie-Odile, Marguerite MacKenzie & Julie Brittain. Comparative Structures of East Cree and English. A resource to help language teachers.
  • 2011. Rose, Yvan, & Julie Brittain. Grammar Matters: Evidence from Phonological and Morphological Development in Northern East Cree. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America (GALANA), edited by Mihaela Pirvulescu. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 193-208. (available here)

  • 2010. Rose, Yvan, Julie Brittain, Carrie Dyck & Erin Swain. The Acquisition of Metrical Opacity: A Longitudinal Case Study from Northern East Cree. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (volume 2), edited by Katie Franich, Kate M. Iserman & Lauren L. Keil. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 339-350.

  • 2007. Brittain, Julie, Carrie Dyck, Yvan Rose & Marguerite MacKenzie. The Chisasibi Child Language Acquisition Study (CCLAS): A Progress Report. In Papers of the Thirty Eighth Algonquian Conference, edited by H.C. Wolfart. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1-17. 

  • 2006. Dyck, Carrie, Julie Brittain & Marguerite MacKenzie. Northern East Cree Accent. In Proceedings of the 2006 Canadian Linguistics Association Annual Conference, edited by Claire Gurski & Milica Radisic, 1-14. 

  • 2006. Brittain, Julie and Carrie Dyck. Initial Change as Abstract Vowel Realization. In Papers of the Thirty-Seventh Algonquian Conference, edited by H.C. Wolfart. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 19-35.