Academic presentations

Updated May 27, 2024

  • 2024. Henke, Ryan E. Patterns in the acquisition of Northern East Cree relational verbs. Child Language Acquisition Symposium for Indigenous Communities (CLASIC). Albuquerque, NM. May 17.
  • 2024. Henke, Ryan E., & Julie Brittain. What child-directed speech can reveal about Obviation: A case study of Northern East Cree demonstratives. Consortium on Language Variation in Input Environments around the World (LangVIEW). Online. April 23.
  • 2024. Henke, Ryan E. A further look at properties of verbs in Northern East Cree child-directed speech. Talk presented for the organized session Bridging Child Language Research to Practice for Language Revitalization at the joint annual meetings of the Linguistic Society of America and the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. New York, NY. January 5.
  • 2023. Henke, Ryan E., Julie Brittain, & Shanley Allen. Preferred Argument Structure in Northern East Cree child-directed speech. Talk presented at the 55th Algonquian Conference. Edmonton, AB. October 20.
  • 2023. Henke, Ryan E. Properties of verbs in Northern East Cree child-directed speech: A preliminary look. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 2023 Winter Meeting. Online. January 21.
  • 2022. Henke, Ryan E. Addressing linguistic disparities: Indigenous languages and child language development. 7th Annual Symposium for Research Administrators, University of Wisconsin–Madison. Madison, WI. October 25.
  • 2022. Henke, Ryan E. A first look at the child acquisition of relational verbs in Northern East Cree. Talk presented at the 54th Algonquian Conference. Boulder, CO. October 22.
  • 2021. Henke, Ryan E. ‘Whose is this?’ How children acquire possessor marking in Northern East Cree. Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison. Madison, WI. October 27.
  • 2021. Öney, Burak. Patterns of Cree preverb usage in early child language: A longitudinal case study. The 53rd Algonquian Conference. Carleton University, Ottawa. October 16.
  • 2021. Brittain, Julie, Yvan Rose and Burak Öney. Acquiring preverbs in Cree. Department of Linguistics Research Forum, Memorial University of Newfoundland. St. John’s, NL. June 30.
  • 2021. Henke, Ryan E. Rules and exceptions in the acquisition of Northern East Cree morphology. Department of Linguistics, Seminar Series, Memorial University of Newfoundland. St. John’s, NL. April 30.
  • 2021. Henke, Ryan E. "Using child-directed speech to inform linguistic description: Obviative demonstratives in Northern East Cree." University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. March 26.
  • 2021. Henke, Ryan E. "Obviation in child and child-directed speech: Evidence from nouns in Northern East Cree." The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (virtual annual meeting). January 10.
  • 2020. Henke, Ryan E. "Number and obviation for possessors: Child and child-directed speech in Northern East Cree." The 52nd Algonquian Conference. Madison, WI. October 23.
  • 2020. Henke, Ryan E. "Patterns in the L1 acquisition of the Northern East Cree possessive suffix." The Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, New Orleans, LA, January 4. Download presentation pdf.
  • 2019. Henke, Ryan E. Number marking for animate obviatives: Evidence from relational constructions. Talk presented at the 51st Algonquian Conference. Montréal, QC. October 25.
  • 2019. Henke, Ryan E. and Brittain, Julie. "Connecting language acquisition to language documentation and beyond: The CCLAS project and Northern East Cree." Presentation at the 6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. March 3. Download presentation pdf.
  • 2019. Henke, Ryan E. Dimensions of the L1 acquisition of demonstratives in Northern East Cree. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 2019 Winter Meeting. New York, NY. January 4.
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. Working with the Chisasibi Child Language Acquisition Study. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Linguistics Tuesday Seminar Series. Honolulu, HI. November 13.
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. "The acquisition of obviation in Northern East Cree: Evidence from possessive constructions." The 50th Algonquian Conference. Edmonton, Alberta. October 27.
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. "A preliminary analysis of the acquisition of obviation in Northern East Cree." Language Acquisition Group,University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI. October 5.
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. "The acquisition of Northern East Cree: Possessives and demonstratives." Department of Linguistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland. May 23
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. The acquisition of possession in a polysynthetic language: Northern East Cree. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Linguistics Tuesday Seminar Series. Honolulu, HI. March
  • 2018. Henke, Ryan E. "The development of possession in the L1 acquisition of Northern East Cree." The Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Salt Lake City, UT, January 5.
  • 2017. Henke, Ryan E. "Acquiring possessive constructions in Northern East Cree." The 49th Algonquian Conference, Université de Montréal, Montreal, October 29.
  • 2017. Henke, Ryan E. "A preliminary analysis of the acquisition of possession in Northern East Cree." Language Acquisition Group,University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, October 6.
  • 2017. Brittain, Julie, Shanley Allen and Sara Acton. “Preferred Argument Structure in Cree child and child-directed speech.” Poster presentation at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France. July 19.
  • 2015. Branigan, Phil and Julie Brittain “A labelling theoretic approach to relative root complements in East Cree.” The 47th Algonquian Conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. October 24.
  • 2015. Acton, Sara and Julie Brittain “Acquiring the passive in Cree: Evidence from spontaneous child-adult interactions.” The 47th Algonquian Conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. October 23.
  • 2013. Pile, Stephanie. "Cree-English code mixing in child and child-directed speech: A case study from Northern East Cree." Aldrich Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Memorial University. April 27.
  • 2013. Branigan, Phil & Julie Brittain. "Polycategorial finals in Cree verb morphosyntax. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Boston. January 3.
  • 2012. Julie Brittain & Sara Johansson. "The expression of Algonquian subject constraints as teleological capability." Department of Linguistics Seminar Series, Memorial University, November 21.
  • 2012. Johansson, Sara. "From unanalyzed chunks to grammatical discovery: A case study of passive acquisition in Northern East Cree." Brown Bag Series, University of Calgary Department of Linguistics, November 14.
  • 2012. Brittain, Julie & Sara Johansson. "Deriving sentience effects from the interaction of syntax and (real-world) semantics." The 44th Algonquian Conference, University of Chicago, October 28.
  • 2012. Knee, Sarah. "When is a cluster not a cluster? A Northern East Cree case study". The 44th Algonquian Conference, University of Chicago, October 27.
  • 2012. Johansson, Sara. "Acquiring Northern East Cree verbal morphology: Evidence from inchoative verbs." The 2012 meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Wilfred Laurier University, May 26.
  • 2012. Johansson, Sara & Julie Britain. "East Cree verbs of emission: A unified analysis of the inchoative (-piyi)." Department of Linguistics Seminar Series, Memorial University, March 12.
  • 2012. Johansson, Sara. "Verbs of (sound) emission in Algonquian: A comparison of subjects in Blackfoot and Cree." Aldrich Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference, Memorial University, March 2. download slideshow
  • 2012. Johansson, Sara & Julie Brittain. "The lexical semantics of (Northern East) Cree verbs of emission: a unified analysis of –piyi." 86th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas), Portland, Oregon, January 7. download handout
  • 2010. Brittain, Julie. 'Intransitives derived by the verb final –piyi.' The 42nd Algonquian Conference, Memorial University, October 23.
  • 2010. Dyck, Carrie, Alethea Power, Kevin Terry & Kelly Logan. "Syncope in East Cree: Phonological or Phonetic?" The 42nd Algonquian Conference, Memorial University, October 25. download handout pdf / download powerpoint pdf
  • 2010. Thorburn, Jennifer. "On the acquisition of segments and syllable types in Northern East Cree: A case study." The 42nd Algonquian Conference, Memorial University, October 25. download handout
  • 2010. Rose, Yvan & Julie Brittain. "Grammar matters: Evidence from the metrical and inflectional development in Northern East Cree." Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America (GALANA) 4, University of Toronto, September 3. download powerpoint pdf
  • 2010. Brittain, Julie, Yvan Rose & Kevin Terry. "Grammatical analysis in early morphological development: Evidence from (Northern East) Cree." The Canadian Linguistics Association 2010 meeting (Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities), Concordia University, May 29. download powerpoint pdf
  • 2009. Rose, Yvan, Julie Brittain, Carrie Dyck & Erin Swain. "The acquisition of metrical opacity: A longitudinal case study from Northern East Cree." Poster presentation, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 34, Boston University, November 6. download paper
  • 2009. Brittain, Julie & Kevin Terry. "First Language Acquisition in Cree: An overview of verbal morphology and preliminary observations on its emergence." (Invited talk), to the Language Computation and Evolution Research Unit, The University of Edinburgh, July 28. download powerpoint pdf
  • 2009. Brittain, Julie. "Language under pressure: The Cree Child Language Acquisition Study and its contribution to language maintenance in a bilingual community." (Invited talk), at the Tibetan Education and Language Policy Symposium, University of Virginia Tibet Center, April 28.
  • 2009. Dyck, Carrie (principal author), Julie Brittain, Marguerite MacKenzie & Yvan Rose. "Northern East Cree Metrical Structure." The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Carleton University, May 23.
  • 2008. Dyck, Carrie (principal author), Julie Brittain, Marguerite MacKenzie & Yvan Rose. "Syncope in Northern East Cree." Poster presentation, The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, University of British Columbia, May 31 - June 2.
  • 2007. Brittain, Julie, Marguerite MacKenzie, Will Oxford, Carrie Dyck & Yvan Rose. "Preliminary observations on Acquiring (East) Cree as a First Language." The 39th Algonquian Conference, York University, October 18-21. download paper
  • 2006. Brittain, Julie, Carrie Dyck, Yvan Rose & Marguerite MacKenzie. "The Chisasibi Child Language Acquisition Study (CCLAS): A Progress Report." 38th Algonquian Conference, University of British Columbia, October 27-29. download powerpoint pdf
  • 2006. Dyck, Carrie, Julie Brittain & Marguerite MacKenzie. "Northern East Cree Accent." Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, York University, May 27-30.