Student Resources and Forms
Student Resources and Forms
Below are links to a number of student resources that you may find useful. Please contact if you experience issues with any of the links below.
Biology & Marine Biology major application
Final Exam Deferral application
Major Application for programs in Biology and Marine Biology (Joint Major)
All students interested in applying to major programs in Biology and Marine Biology can do so by completing the electronic application linked below. It is recommended that students review admission requirement for entry to the major programs before submission of your application as all courses must be complete for the application to be asessed.
Biology & Marine Biology major application (requires login to complete)
* Please note that concentrations listed in the application above only apply to the Biology major and honours programs, not the Marine Biology joint major.
Students interested in declaring a Minor in Biology must complete the Program Change form and send to
Program Checklists
Below are electronically fillable program checklists for general and honours programs in Biology and Marine Biology. Please note these are for guidance purposes only.
New programs incoming Fall 2023:
Program Checklist - Biology Major (2023-24)
Program Checklist - Biology Honours (2023-24)
Program Checklist - Marine Biology Major (2023-24)
Program Checklist - Marine Biology Honours (2023-24)
Previous programs (including CHEM 2401):
Program Checklist - Biology Major (2022-23)
Program Checklist - Biology Honours (2022-23)
Program Checklist - Marine Biology Major (2022-23)
Program Checklist - Marine Biology Honours (2022-23)
Final Examination Deferral
Any student requesting deferral of a final exam for a course offered by the Biology department must contact Biology's Academic Program Officer as early as possible, and no later than 48 hours following the missed exam. Students requesting a deferral must also complete the Final Exam Deferral applicaton linked below and submit supporting documentation within 7 calendar days of the missed exam. Supporting documentation should be submitted to
Application to write a deferred final examination in Biology (requires login to complete)
Honours Forms and Resources
Biology Honours - provisional acceptance form (to be completed by student and supervisor upon acceptance to Honours program)
Honours Thesis Writing Guide (i.e., the 'Red Book')
Biology 499A - progress report form (append to front of 499A report prior to submission)
Biology 499B- Thesis submission form (append to front of completed prior to submission)
Biology Honours - thesis resubmission form (submit with final revised thesis following defense)
Biology Honours - thesis release form (to be completed and submitted with final edited version of thesis)
Honours Poster Evaluation Form
Other Student Forms and Resources