Publications on Mammals (mainly Pinnipeds)

2024 Hande SS, Andronowski JA, Miller EH. Microarchitecture of the penis bone (baculum) of a seal: a 3D morphometric examination using synchrotron and laboratory micro‐computed tomography. The Anatomical Record 307. 2858-2874.

2023 Miller EH, Jung TS, Kukka PM, Reynolds JJ, Grove RA, Stenson GB, Rogers RPW. Growth, allometry, and characteristics of a sexually selected structure, the penis bone (baculum), in three large mustelids: wolverine (Gulo gulo), northern river otter (Lontra canadensis), and sea otter (Enhydra lutris). Canadian Journal of Zoology 101, 824-847. PDF

2021 Miller EH, Kochnev AA. Ethology and behavioral ecology of the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), with emphasis on communication and social behavior. Pp. 437-488 In: "Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Otariids and the Odobenid" (eds Campagna C, Harcourt R). Springer Nature. 

2021 Miller EH, Kochnev AA. Supplementary material for: Ethology and behavioral ecology of the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), with emphasis on communication and social behavior. Pp. 437-488 In: "Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Otariids and the Odobenid" (eds Campagna C, Harcourt R). Springer Nature. 

2019 Salogni E, Galimberti F, Sanvito S, Miller EH. Male and female pups of the highly sexually dimorphic northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) differ slightly in body size. Canadian Journal of Zoology  97, 241-250. PDF

2018 Miller EH. Baculum. Pp. 51-54 in "Encyclopedia Marine Mammals, third ed." (eds Würsig B, Thewissen JGM, Kovacs KM). Academic Press. PDF

2018 Miller EH. Territorial behavior. Pp. 983-54 in "Encyclopedia Marine Mammals, third ed." (eds Würsig B, Thewissen JGM, Kovacs KM). Academic Press. PDF

2010 Miller EH. Sexual traits of mammals: variation, size-scaling, and communicative functions. Pp. 471-493 in “The Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters in Animals” (eds Leonard J, Córdoba-Aguilar A) Oxford Univ. Press. PDF

2009 Miller EH, Mahoney SM, Kennedy ML, Kennedy SL. Variation, sexual dimorphism, and allometry in molar size of the black bear. Journal of Mammalogy 90, 491-503.

2009 Ochoa-Acuña H, McNab, BK, Miller EH. Seasonal energetics of northern phocid seals.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 152, 341-350.

2009 Miller EH. Baculum. Pp. 68-71 in “Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals”, second ed. (eds Perrin WF, Würsig B, Thewissen JGM). Academic Press. PDF

2009 Miller EH. Territorial behavior. Pp. 1156-1166 in “Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals”, second ed. (eds Perrin WF, Würsig B, Thewissen JGM). Academic Press.

2008 Miller EH, Nagorsen DW. Bacular variation and allometry in the western marten Martes caurina. Acta Theriologica 53, 129-142.

2008 Cote D, Stewart HMJ, Gregory RS, Gosse J, Reynolds JJ, Stenson GB, Miller EH. Prey selection by marine-coastal river otters (Lontra canadensis) in Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of Mammalogy 89, 1001-1011.

2008 Sanvito S, Galimberti F, Miller EH. Development of aggressive vocalizations in male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina): maturation or learning? Behaviour 145, 137-170.

[For information about research on Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas, visit]

2007 Luque SP, Arnould JPY, Miller EH, Chambellant M, Guinet C. Ontogeny of body size and shape of Antarctic and subantarctic fur seals: constraints imposed by lactation duration? Canadian Journal of Zoology  85, 1275-1285. PDF

2007 Luque SP, Arnould JPY, Miller EH, Cherel Y, Guinet C. Foraging behaviour of sympatric Antarctic and subantarctic fur seals: does their contrasting duration of lactation make a difference? Marine Biology 152 , 213-224. PDF

2007 Miller EH, Sung H-C, Moulton VD, Miller GW, Finley KJ, Stenson GB. Variation and integration of the simple postcanine dentition of two species of phocid seal. Journal of Mammalogy 88, 1325-1334.

2007 Sanvito S, Galimberti F, Miller EH. Vocal signalling of male southern elephant seals is honest but imprecise. Animal Behaviour 73, 287-299.

2007 Sanvito S, Galimberti F, Miller EH. Having a big nose: structure, ontogeny and function of the elephant seal proboscis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85, 207-220.

2007 Sanvito S, Galimberti F, Miller EH. Observational evidences of vocal learning in southern elephant seals: a longitudinal study. Ethology 113, 137–146.

2005 Miller EH, Wiig Ø, Trites AW. International survey of scientific collections of Steller sea lions. UBC Fisheries Centre Research Report  13, 1-69. PDF

2004 Dyck MG, Bourgeois JM, Miller EH. Growth and variation in the bacula of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Zoology (London)  264, 105-110. PDF

2002 Tyack P, Miller EH. Vocal anatomy, acoustic communication, and echolocation in marine mammals. Pp. 142-184 in "Marine Mammal Biology: An Evolutionary Approach" (ed Hoelzel AR). Blackwell Science. PDF

Miller EH, Burton LE. It's all relative: allometry and variation in the baculum (os penis) of the harp seal (Carnivora: Phocidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society  72, 345-355. PDF

2000 Miller EH, Pitcher KW, Loughlin TR. Bacular size, growth, and allometry in the largest extant otariid, the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). Journal of Mammalogy  81, 134-144. PDF

2000 Oosthuizen WH, Miller EH. Bacular and testicular growth and allometry in the Cape fur seal Arctocephalus p. pusillus (Otariidae). Marine Mammal Science  16, 124-140. PDF

2000 Moulton VD, Miller EH, Ochoa-Acuña H. Haulout behaviour of captive harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus): incidence, seasonality, and relationships to weather. Applied Animal Behaviour Science  65, 367-378.

2000 Serrano A, Miller EH. How vocal are harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus)? A captive study of seasonal and diel patterns. Aquatic Mammals  26, 253-259. PDF

1999 Miller EH, Jones IL, Stenson GB. Baculum and testes of the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata): growth and size-scaling and their relationships to sexual selection. Canadian Journal of Zoology  77, 470-479. PDF

1998 Miller EH, Stewart ARJ, Stenson GB. Bacular and testicular growth, allometry, and variation in the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus). Canadian Journal of Zoology  75, 1285-1291. PDF

1998 Lawson JM, Magalhães AM, Miller EH. Important prey species of marine vertebrate predators in the northwest Atlantic: proximate composition and energy density. Marine Ecology Progress Series  164, 13-20. PDF

1997 Lawson JM, Miller EH, Noseworthy E. Variation in assimilation efficiency and digestive efficiency of captive harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) on different diets. Marine Mammal Science  12, 468-476. PDF

1996 Miller EH, Ponce de León A, DeLong RL. Violent interspecific sexual behavior by male sea lions (Otariidae): evolutionary and phylogenetic implicatiions. Marine Mammal Science  12, 468-476. PDF

1995 Miller EH, Murray AV. Structure, complexity, and organization of vocalizations in harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) pups. Pp. 237-264 in "Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals" (eds Kastelein RA, Thomas JA, Nachtigall PE). De Spil. PDF

1992 Miller EH, Job DA. Airborne acoustic communication in the Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi. Pp. 485-531 in "Marine Mammal Sensory Systems" (eds Thomas JA, Kastelein RA, Supin AY). Plenum.

1991 Miller EH. Communication in pinnipeds, with special reference to non-acoustic signalling. Pp. 128-235 in "The Behaviour of Pinnipeds" (ed Renouf D). Chapman and Hall.

1985 Miller EH. Airborne acoustic communication in the walrus.  , 124-145.

1978 Miller EH, Boness DJ. Summer behavior of Atlantic walruses (L.) at Coats Island, N. W. T. (Canada). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 48, 298-313.

1976 Miller EH. Walrus ethology. II. Herd structure and activity budgets of summering males. Canadian Journal of Zoology  54, 704-715. PDF

1975 Miller EH. Walrus ethology. I. The social role of tusks and applications of multidimensional scaling. Canadian Journal of Zoology  53, 590-613. PDF

1975 Miller EH. A comparative study of facial expressions of two species of pinnipeds. Behaviour  53, 268-284. PDF

Miller EH. Annual cycle of fur seals, Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson), on the Open Bay Islands, New Zealand. Pacific Science  29, 139-152. PDF

Miller EH. Social behaviour between adult male and female New Zealand fur seals, Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson) during the breeding season . Australian Journal of Zoology  22, 155-173. PDF