Publications: Birds (mainly Shorebirds)
2025 Lee D-Y, Miller EH, Lee J-H, Kim W-Y, Oh S-J, Sung H-C.. Relationships between chick vocalizations, individuality, and parental presence-absence in the Kentish plover (Anarhynchus alexandrinus). In review.
2025 Miller EH, Lislevand T, Tomkovich PS. Wader sounds: what did you hear? Wader Study. In review.
2025 Miller EH, Tomkovich PS, Arkhipov YuV, Vyn G. The ethological shortfall: case study of an endangered shorebird. Behaviour (in press).
2024 Kostoglou KN, Weston MA, Miller EH, Wilson DR. Protocols for recording embryonic and chick vocalisations from shorebirds. Wader Study 131, 49-54.
2023 Miller EH, Tomkovich PS, Arkhipov YuV, Handel CM. Structure of breeding calls in three closely related bird species (Calidris Merrem, 1804; Scolopacidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 101, 869-885.
2022 Kostoglou KN, Miller EH, Weston MA, Wilson DR. Vocal traits of shorebird chicks are related to body mass and sex. Ibis 164, 816-824. PDF
2022 Miller EH, Kostoglou KN, Wilson DR, Weston, MA. Anatomy of avian distress calls: structure, variation, and complexity in two species of shorebird (Aves: Charadrii). Behaviour 159, 699-733. PDF
2021 Rodrigues TM, Miller EH, Drovetski SV, Zink RM, Fjeldså J, Gonçalves D. Phenotypic divergence in two sibling species of shorebird: Common Snipe and Wilson's Snipe (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae). Ibis 163, 429-447. PDF
2020 Miller EH, Areta JI. Tail sounds and vocalizations suggest that the South American Snipe comprises two species. Wetlands International/IUCN Woodcock & Snipe Specialist Group Newsletter 45, 2-6. PDF
2020 Miller EH, Areta JI, Jaramillo A, Imberti S, Matus R. Snipe taxonomy based on vocal and non-vocal sound displays: the South American Snipe is two species. Ibis 162, 968-990. PDF
2016 Riede T, Eliason CM, Miller EH, Goller F, Clarke JA. Coos, booms, and hoots: the evolution of closed-mouth vocal behavior in birds. Evolution 70, 1734-1746. PDF
2014 Areta JI, Miller EH. Display flight and mechanical sounds of the Andean negrito (Lessonia oreas), with comments on the basic structure of flight displays in fluvicoline flycatchers. Ornitologia Neotropical 25, 95-105. PDF
2014 Hynes DP, Miller EH. Vocal distinctiveness of the Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. Auk 131, 421-433. PDF
2009 Seneviratne SS, Jones IL, Miller EH. Vocalizations of auklets (Aethiini): structure, organization, and evolution. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121, 568-584. PDF
2009 Miller EH, Baker AJ. Antiquity of shorebird acoustic displays. Auk 126, 454-459. PDF
2008 Miller EH, Seneviratne SS, Jones IL, Robertson GJ, Wilhelm SI. Syringeal anatomy and allometry in murres (Alcidae: Uria). Journal of Ornithology 149, 545-554. PDF
2007 Miller EH, Williams J, Jamieson SE, Gilchrist HG, Mallory ML. Allometry, bilateral asymmetry and sexual differences in the vocal tract of Common Eiders Somateria mollissima and King Eiders S. spectabilis. Journal of Avian Biology 38, 224-233. PDF
2007 Sung H-C, Miller EH. Variation and individuality in display-flight calls of male Piping Plovers. Condor 109, 468-475. PDF
2005 Sung H-C, Miller EH, Flemming SP. Breeding vocalizations of the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus): structure, diversity, and repertoire organization. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83, 579-595. PDF
2003 Miller EH, Vanderwerf E, McPherson L. Vocalizations of the Tuamotu Sandpiper, Prosobonia cancellata. Wilson Bulletin 115, 455-463. PDF
2002 Walters EL, Miller EH, Lowther PE. Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) and Red-naped Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus nuchalis). In The Birds of North America, No. 663 (eds Poole A, Gill F). Acad. Nat. Sci. and Am. Orn. Union, 32 pp.
[For information about Eric Walters's research on woodpeckers and other topics, visit:]
2002 Walters EL, Miller EH, Lowther PE. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius). In The Birds of North America, No. 662 (eds Poole A, Gill F). Acad. Nat. Sci. and Am. Orn. Union, 24 pp.
2001 Walters EL, Miller EH. Predation on nesting woodpeckers in British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115, 413-419. PDF
Miller EH, Walters EL, Ouellet, H. Plumage, size, and sexual dimorphism in the Queen Charlotte Islands Hairy Woodpecker. , 86-95.
Miller EH. Acoustic differentiation and speciation in shorebirds. Pp. 241-257 in "Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds" (eds Kroodsma DE, Miller EH). Cornell Univ. Press. PDF
Miller EH. Nuptial vocalizations of male Least Seedsnipe: structure and evolutionary significance. , 418-422.
1992 Cooper JM, Miller EH. Brood amalgamation and alloparental care in the Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutilla. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70, 403-405. PDF
1992 Miller EH. Acoustic signals of shorebirds: a survey and review of published information. Royal British Columbia Museum Technical Report, 62 pp. PDF
1991 L'Hyver M-A, Miller EH. Geographic and local variation in nesting phenology and clutch size of the Black Oystercatcher. Condor 93, 892-903. PDF
1988 Miller EH. Description of bird behavior for comparative purposes. Pp. 347-394 in "Current Ornithology, Vol. 5" (ed Johnston RF). Plenum Press. PDF
1988 Miller EH, Gunn WWH, Veprintsev BN. Breeding vocalizations of Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii and related species, with remarks on phylogeny and adaptation. Ornis Scandinavica 19, 257-267. PDF
1987 Miller EH, Gunn WWH, MacLean Jr SF. Breeding vocalizations of the Surfbird. Condor 89, 406-412. PDF
1986 Miller EH. Components of variation in nuptial calls of the Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla; Aves, Scolopacidae). Systematic Zoology 35, 400-413. PDF
Miller EH. Parental behavior in the Least Sandpiper (; Aves, Scolopacidae). , 1593-1601.
Miller EH. Communication in breeding shorebirds. Pp. 169-241 in "Shorebirds: Breeding Behavior and Populations" (eds Burger J, Olla BL). Plenum Press. PDF
Miller EH, Gunn WWH, Myers JP, Veprintsev BN. Species distinctiveness of Long-billed Dowitcher song (Aves: Scolopacidae). , 804-811.
Miller EH. Habitat and breeding cycle of the Least Sandpiper () on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. , 2880-2898.
Miller EH. Structure of display flights in the Least Sandpiper. , 220-242.
Miller EH. The structure of aerial displays in three species of Calidridinae (Scolopacidae). , 440-451. PDF
1983 Miller EH. Structure of display flights in the Least Sandpiper. Condor 85, 220-242. PDF
1983 Miller EH, Gunn WWH, Harris RE. Geographic variation in the aerial song of the Short-billed Dowitcher (Aves, Scolopacidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61, 2191-2198.
1982 Miller EH. Character and variance shift in acoustic signals of birds. Pp. 253-295 in "Acoustic Communication in Birds, Vol. 1: Production, Perception, and Design Features of Sounds" (eds Kroodsma DE, Miller EH). Academic Press.
1980 Miller EH, Baker AJ. Displays of the Magellanic Oystercatcher (Haematopus leucopodus). Wilson Bulletin 92, 149-168. PDF
1979 Miller EH. An approach to the analysis of graded vocalizations of birds. Behavioral and Neural Biology 27, 25-38. PDF
1979 Miller EH. Functions of display flights by males of the Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutilla (Vieill.), on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 57, 876-893. PDF
1979 Miller EH. Egg size in the Least Sandpiper on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Ornis Scandinavica 10, 10-16.