Change in frequency
of a rare allele under Positive
Directional Selection
Dominant, Additive Semi-Dominant, & Recessive cases
In a single-locus model
with two alleles A1 and A2,
let initial q = f(A2)
= 0.001. The three curves
trace f(A2)
over time for three
modes of dominance.
The Blue curve
shows the case where A2 is dominant
to A1 (W22
= W12 W11). The Red curve shows an additive (semi-dominance) model, in
which each A2 allele
decreases fitness by the same amount, such that W22
The Green curve
shows the case where
is recessive to
= W12
W22). The
differences between the shapes of the curves reflect how
mean population fitness
) varies as q
= f(A2)
Remember: the dominance
relationships of the two alleles with respect to fitness
are fixed genetically, according to whether the A1A2
heterozygote is more similar to the A1A1
or A2A2 homozygotes. It is not
determined by the phenotypic values themselves.
The information in the graph
also shows the fate of a common allele under negative
directional selection, IF the
Y-axis values were inverted top to bottom (1 0) and labelled f(A1)
= p. That is, the behavior of the two alleles
at a locus are complementary for any particular
dominance model.
As part of the lab exercises, show that these curves can be
obtained with the appropriate selection coefficients
(s) in the Hardy - Weinberg selection
programs GSM in Excel, or natsel in
Python. (2) Prove the complementarity of the
behavior of the dominant and recessive alleles.