"Universal" PCR primer design in the mtDNA ND3 region
The diagram shows
part of the DNA sequences
of the ND3 subunit gene from the mitochondrial DNA (shown 5'
left to right) of four species of mammalian Carnivora.
These are three Canoids: Harbour Seal (Phoca),
Grey Seal (Halichoerus), and domestic dog
(Canis), and a Feloid domestic cat (Felis). The nucleotide
region shown in colour is a potential PCR primer site. The region of >25
bp region is identical
between seal species sequences and >92% identity [23 of 25 bp]
with the other Canoid and (or) Feloid sequences. This primer,
paired with another a few hundred or few thousand bases away,
will likely amplify the gene region for most species of