
Maternal Phenylketonuria (PKU)

If the Phe-restricted diet is discontinued during pregnancy, asymptomatic woman with a PKU genotype who have been successfully treated early in life may introduce high levels of Phe into the fetal circulation. This results in a condition known as maternal PKU. Even though the developing fetus does not have a PKU genotype, exposure to high levels of Phe in utero during early development (before the woman knows she is pregnant) can result in a PKU phenotype in the newborn. For this and other reasons, persons with a PKU genotype are often advised to remain on the low Phe diet throughout their lives.

Homework: Why is this not a concern when a mother with a non-PKU genotype is carrying a fetus with the PKU genotype?

    See [] and [] for more details from PKU support groups.

All text material © 2015 by Steven M. Carr