NS 05-04smchhul
  Incompatibility of DNA variants with a coalescence tree with six leaf nodes

The table of variants is identical with that in Figure 5.2smc; as before, the leaf nodes are designated 1 - 6 and the order of variant positions a - e is arbitrary. The tree in Fig. 5.2 has been redrawn by moving the #3 leaf node from below (1+2) to below (4+5). Mutations at SNPs a, c, & e can be mapped on the tree with only one change (red stars). SNPs b & d cannot be placed on the tree without at least two changes each, if this is the correct tree.

HOMEWORK: Show a modified table of variants that modifies SNPs ## 1, 3, & 6 in which the tree shown can be explained with only one mutation each at SNP sites a - e.

Figure after © Nielsen & Slatkin 2013; Text material © 2017 by Steven M. Carr