Models of Molecular Evolution
Given four
nucleotides A, C, G, & T,
there are (4x4) - 4 = 12 possible
pairwise mutations among them that result in a SNP.
Mutations rates among the four nucleotides can be set in various
ways, based on data and assumptions.
[Left] The
original and simplest model is the Jukes & Cantor (1969)
model, called JC69, which assumes that all nucleotide
frequencies are equal, and all mutations leading to a SNP occur
at the same rate, m. For example, the reciprocal rates AC and CA are equal, and equal to A
[Middle] A simple
adjustment is the Kimura Two-Parameter Model (K2P),
recognized from early DNA data that, at least in
comparisons within species and among closely-related species,
transitions (Ts) (A
[Right] Given the
availability of data and increased understanding of molecular
evolution, it became apparent that besides the Transition Bias,
nucleotide frequencies in any one DNA strand are
unequal, and that mutation rates between nucleotide pairs are
unequal. The Hasegawa,
Kishino, & Yano (1985) model (HKY85)
incorporates all these factors. In the last column, for example,
the mutation rate of any nucleotide A, C, or G
to T is the same (
[Below] For the advanced student: As
computational power and extensive data became available, it is
now possible to construct a universal model, called the
General Time Reversible (GTR) model, which allows
all available information to be incorporated into any particular
evolutionary investigation. Estimates of mutation rates are
calculated from the data themselves. In the last column, for
where there are six distinct reciprocal
mutation rates: