iGen3 03-08

Leading & Lagging strand DNA synthesis uses a single, dimeric DNAPol III enzyme

    Models of DNA synthesis often show it as occurring independently on the leading and lagging strands, with separate DNAPol IIIs on each. However, replication at any one fork is under the control of a single, dimeric DNAPol III holoenzyme [shown as two donut-shaped rings] that replicates both parental DNA strands simultaneously. The process occurs consistent with the requirement that new strand synthesis always occurs 5'3'.

    The chromosomal DNA is oriented so that the parental DNA strand [blue] is 'unzipped' left to right by the DNA helicase. The DNAPol sits at the replication fork and moves continuously to the right. Synthesis of a new copy [below, red] of the leading strand [below, blue] occurs in the 5'3' direction. Synthesis is continuous, because fork movement always passes more of the leading strand through the lower DNAPol  subunit.

    Synthesis in the 5'3' direction in the same physical orientation off the other, lagging strand [above, blue] requires that it loops around the upper DNAPol subunit  [above, blue]. This allows both anti-parallel parental strands to enter the alternate subunits of the polymerase in the same 5'-3' orientation as well as the same right-to-left direction.

    DNA synthesis of the lagging strand is necessarily discontinuous, because synthesis must be constantly re-initiated by addition of an RNA primer [green] as more of the exposed parental strand passes through the DNAPol. This creates a series of Okazaki fragments beginning with an RNA primer and ending when new synthesis encounters the 5' end of the previous fragment. The primers are subsequently removed and the gap 'repaired' by a different DNA polymerase

Figure © 2010 PJ Russell, iGenetics 3rd ed.; all text material © 2024 by Steven M. Carr