Ivory Gull
          distributionPagophila eburneaRoyston & Carr 2015 Fig 2
Conservation Genetics of Ivory Gulls (Pagophila eburnea), a Species-At-Risk

(S Royston & SM Carr. 2015. Mitochondrial DNA, 26, early online)

The high-arctic Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) has recently undergone a sharp decline in numbers, and in Canada it is listed as ‘‘Endangered’’ under the Species-At-Risk Act. To test for circumpolar genetic distinctiveness, we examined 264 bp of the mtDNA Control Region Domain I from 127 museum specimens collected during the breeding season from northern Canada, Greenland, and Norway, and during the non-breeding season from adjacent overwintering grounds in Canada, Greenland, and a disjunct area in Alaska adjacent to the Bering Sea. SNP variation at seven sites defines seven haplotypes, of which only three are relatively common. Partition of genetic variance according to various phylogeographic and breeding ground models indicates no strong population structure, except that non-breeding Alaska birds are consistently differentiated from other locations. There are significant temporal shifts in haplotype frequencies between pre- and post-1934 birds. The evidence suggests that Ivory Gulls in Canada, Greenland, and Norway are a single genetic entity, in contrast to Alaska birds, which may represent a distinctive Siberian population.

All material © 2014 by Steven M. Carr