pairwise distribution curves for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Curves are given for the summary three-population model: SG+NL
(Southern Gulf of St Lawrence + Newfoundland /
Labrador Ice Front) versus GS (Greenland Sea) versus
WS (White Sea).
Within each population, all pairwise SNP differences among individuals are counted. The running
count of differences up to any number of pairwise
differences (X-axis) is plotted against the cumulative
fraction of the total number of pairwise differences at
that count (Y-axis). This gives a plot of the accumulation of
differences over time.
Curves for younger populations
(cf. Greenland Sea) are
displaced to the left and upward: most of the
differences are relatively smaller and therefore
achieved more recently. Curves for older populations
(cf. White Sea) are
displaced to the right and downward: most of the
differences are relatively larger, and were
established longer ago. The qualitative comparison
of of the relative age of populations is their left-to-right
order at a cumulative 50% of comparisons. The
statistical test is a non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test of the maximum vertical offset of each pair
of curves. In essence, the maximum is compared with the mean
Diversity in the Jan Mayen Is. population
is youngest, consistent with its recovery from over-hunting in
the early 20th century. Diversity in the White Sea population
is the oldest, consistent with a long-term establishment. The
Newfoundland / Gulf population is intermediate and smooth,
indicating a steady increase in diversity since it's founding.