Land Grant
Colleges under the Morrill act (1862)
A land-grant
university (also called land-grant college or land-grant
institution) is an institution of higher education in the United
States designated by a state to receive the benefits of the
Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890.[1]
The first Morrill Act allocated profits from
the sale of 30,000 acres of federal land per Congressman in the
western States to endow state-based institutions of higher
learning. [It is acknowledged today that most of this land was
taken from Indigenous Peoples without compensation]. Recognizing
a shift in educational needs in response to the Industrial
Revolution and changes in social structure, these colleges would
promote learning in the "agricultural and mechanical arts"
(hence "A&M" in several names), in contrast to the
traditional liberal arts education of established private
universities (e.g., Harvard or Yale Colleges). This mission was
in contrast to the historic practice of higher education with a
focus on a liberal arts curriculum. Extension of the Act in 1890
to states of the former Confederacy required them to demonstrate
non-racial admissions policies. A 1994 amendment extends
land-grant status to a number of Indigenous colleges.
Most of the land-grant colleges evolved
full-spectrum curricula, and are among the world's leading
educational and research institutions. For example, the University of
California system is the world's largest university, currently
comprising 12 campuses from its origin at Berkeley in 1868.