What is the ratio of recessive homozygotes in an inbred versus a non-inbred population?
If F = 0 (population not
inbred) then
q2exp / q2obs
= 1
If F > 0 (the population is inbred) & f(a)
= q << 1 such that (p ~ 1), then
/ q2obs =
(q2 + Fpq) / q2
(q2 + Fq)
/ q2 = (q
+ F) / q F
/ q
Ex.: if q = 10-4
& F = 0.01 = 10-2
then F / q = 102 =
A small
degree of inbreeding results in order-of-magnitude
increases in the expected proportion of homozygotes for
a rare deleterious allele.