        Great Ape distances

Pairwise mtDNA distances among Great Ape mitochondrial DNA genomes

Observed counts of distances over the 15,447 bp coding region are given below the diagonal (lower left matrix). Notice the scale of DNA differences across species, genera, and families. The San and SMC lineages (L2 & U, respectively) are representative of the two most distinctive lineages in Homo sapiens. The Neanderthal lineage is equally differentiated from both. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are equally divergent from all Homo lineages, and Gorillas (G. gorilla) are equally different from Pan and Homo. Genetic divergences reflects time of separation, rather than perceived organismal differentiation.

HOMEWORK: Calculate a UPGMA tree for these data.

Data after SMC Flynn & SM Carr (2015);  Text material © 2024 by Steven M. Carr