![Bomber Defense](Game_Theory_matrix_Bomber_Problem.jpg)
of Game Theory
to Evolutionary Biology
Mixed-strategy solutions for
2x2 games can be calculated
arithmetically. More complicated games with multiple
strategies require the use of matrix algebra: an
entertaining and enlightening book is JD Williams' "The
Compleat Strategyst" (2nd ed., 1966).
In the so-called "Bomber Defense
Problem," Blue has
two planes, one of which carries the bomb and the other of
which carries protective equipment for defense &
counter-measures, etc. The planes fly in in a formation
that provides one with protection by the other: the bomber
can fly in the unprotected (Blue
1) or protected (Blue 2) position, and the
other plane in the other position. Red
has a single
fighter, which can attack either the unprotected (Red 1) or protected
plane (Red 2), but
not both. (This particular example was featured
prominently by the RAND Corporation in initial
discussions of Game Theory as applied to military
Blue wins
if the bomber gets through (100% success). Convert
the probabilities of bomber success to payoffs to Blue, with p = 100% = 5).
Blue will
always win if the Red fighter
attacks the wrong
plane, in either position (prob 100%: payoff
5). Blue may
win if the bomber is attacked in the unprotected (prob
60%: payoff 3) or protected (prob
80%: payoff 4) positions. The value of the
game to Blue can
be calculated as 4.33 (prove this to yourself).
Compare this to what happens if both sides do what comes
naturally: Blue always
places the bomber in the protected position (Blue 2), and Red always
attacks that position, assuming it to be the bomber (Red 2). The value of the
game to Blue is
exactly 4. The difference
in the Value to Blue of
adopting a mixed versus a pure strategy is (4.33 -
4.00) / 4.00 = 8.25%, which is a marked gain.
The value 4.33 is the minimax
payoff, that is, both the minimum and
maximum payoff, if Red also
uses the optimal strategy. It is also the maximum
value to Blue,
if Blue plays
any other strategy, and is the minimum value,
if Red
any other strategy.
Calculate the payoff if Blue uses
the mixed strategy and Red always
attacks the protected plane.
Calculate the payoff, if Red
attacks the protected and unprotected plane with equal
The "Attack-Defense
problem" is applicable to within-species
interactions subject to Natural Selection.
For example, various species defend territories
that include several resource types of differing
values. Interference Competition occurs when
con-specifics on adjacent territories actively interfere
with their neighbors in an attempt to gain resources. Blue has
nesting and feeding areas (the latter more valuable in
non-breeding seasons), and can defend
one or the other (Blue 1 &
Blue 2)
but not both. Red may
attack either area (Red 1
& Red 2),
but not both. Blue
successfully an attack on either area (payoff 3).
A Red attack
on an undefended nesting area is a minor loss to Blue
(payoff -1), whereas a successful attack on an
undefended feeding area is a major loss (payoff -9).
The Value of a 3:1 mixed strategy for
Blue is
a break-even 0, compared with -1
for consistent defense of the more valuable resource
at the cost of the less valuable: the gain to Blue is
(3 - [-1]) / 3.00 = 1.33%, a modest gain. Note
that this game is a 'zero-sum' game
around an equilibrium, because gains and
losses to the two con-specifics cancel.
If the payoff for a
within-species interaction is a component of
evolutionary Fitness, Game Theory predicts evolution
of flexible optimal attack-defense behaviors, noting that
single strategies are dis-favored by Natural Selection.
Note as well that the relative values of the nesting and
feeding areas will change seasonally, introducing another
complexity into the game. Finally, games may become non-zero-sum
games if the competing con-specifics place different
values on resource areas. For example, a male may place
zero value on a nesting area, and a value of 10 on a
feeding area.
Examples after JD Williams (1966); Figure &
Text material © 2024 by Steven M. Carr