four taxa A, B, C, & D, there are three hypotheses
of relationship:
either A is most closely related to B, or to C,
or to D
We want to evaluate
the hypotheses in the form of the Three-Taxon Statement:
"X and Y are more closely related to each
other than either is to Z"
alternative hypotheses can be shown as networks with four branches
and an internode
Positions 1 - 4 are uninformative:
give no information about relationships, because
all hypotheses require the same
number of changes,
none is more parsimonious than the others.
Position 1 is invariant, and is the most common
Positions 5,
6 & 7 are informative:
Two taxa share one state, other two
share another
They give information
about relationships,
one hypothesis requires fewer changes than the
is therefore more parsimonious than the others
Position 5 indicates
that A & B are most closely related:
The first hypothesis explains
the distribution of SNPs with a single change,
the latter
two require two changes each
The first hypothesis
is a more parsimonious explanation of the data than the others.
By the same logic:
Position 6 indicates
that A & C are most closely related.
Position 7 indicates
that A & D are most closely related.
Homework: for the three networks above, sketch the changes required by sites of Positions 6 & 7