Estimation of selection
coefficients for the HbS allele
The data above, from the
early 1950s, record the numbers of persons in an African
population with Standard, Trait, and Sickle-Cell
phenotypes with respect to their AA AS,
and SS genotypes. These data allow calculation of
the relative Fitness values of the three
phenotypes, the selection coefficients
(s1 and s2)
of the SS and AA genotypes,
and equilibrium frequency of S.
From the observed counts,
their observed frequencies are easily
calculated. The observed q = f(S) = ( f(SS)
+ (0.5)f(AS) ), and the expected genotypes
frequencies for Hardy-Weinberg expectations are
then (1 - q)2, (2)(1-q)(q),
& q2, as usual. Expected genotype
counts are easily calculated.
These calculations apply to an adult
population already subject to selective loss from
malaria and sickle-cell disease. To compare these expected
numbers to those of newborns not yet subject to
selection, choose an arbitrary total number
of newborns, greater than the total count of adults. [PROVE
that the exact number does not make a difference.
Why?]. Estimate the expected counts among newborns
by multiplying this total by the Hardy-Weinberg
expectations, e.g., 0.00825 x 40,000 = 330.
The relative viability (V)
of each phenotype is the (Adult / Newborn)
count. The Fitness (W) estimates of the AA
& SS homozygotes relative to the AS heterozygotes
are WAA = VAA
/ VAS and WSS
= VSS / VAS ,
respectively, and the selection coefficients are
then s1 = 1 - WAA
and s2 = 1 - WSS,
1) Compare the observed & expected
counts in the data above by Chi-Square. Explain
the departure in terms of the relative numbers of each
phenotype observed and expected, from your knowledge
of sickle-cell disease.
2) A recent survey of 56,000 hospitalized
patients in one middle eastern country identified 1,120
with sickle-cell disease (SS) and 13,440 with
sickle-cell trait (AS). From these numbers and the
formulae above, calculate the table values and estimate
the selection coefficients against AA and SS.
Test by Chi-square whether the adult
population shows expected Hardy-Weinberg proportions.
3) Box 7.7 from Nielsen & Slatkin
2013 [below] includes a mis-calculation that leads to
several errors in the results. Compare that calculation
with the one below: what is the probable cause of the
error? How could it be prevented?
Figure © 2013 by
Sinauer; Text material © 2020 by Steven M. Carr