The Ecology and Evolution of Mosses in the Family Splachnaceae



Links to research in:

Alaska Chile Newfoundland


Funding to Robert Raguso and myself from the National Institute of Health South Carolina Biomedical BRIN programand more recent funding from the National Geographic Society to Robert Raguso, Bernard Goffinet and myself has given us the exciting opportunity to identify odour chemistry and explore spore dispersal in Splachnaceae mossesboth in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.


NIH -BRIN Funded Research

Kristie Quarles on Isle Royale, Michigan

This research funded two undergraduate students, Aadra Bhat and Kristie Quarles totravel to collect Splachnaceae mosses and then learn to analyze theirodour chemistry usinga GC-MS in Rob Raguso's lab at the University of South Carolina. Aadra collected Splachnaceae in Alberta and Kristie collected Splachnaceae in Isle Royale, Michigan and in Alaska.


Splachnum ampullaceum growing on moose dung on Isle Royale

Mt. Denali, Denali National Park, Alaska