Postdoctoral Fellow


NameArea of ResearchLocationSupervisor
Nader Abusara Antibiotic resistance and infectious disease control. CSF 2234 Tahlan
Ignacia Diaz (Visiting Scientist) Infection prevention and control. CSF 2322 Tahlan
Kyleisha Foote

Freshwater biology, salmon ecology, and landscape ecology.

CSF 2228 Leroux/Purchase
Valentin Kokarev

Taxonomy, morphology and anatomy of Thyasiridae (Mollusca: Bivalvia).

CSF 2233 Dufour
Yasmine Majchrzak Population ecology and stress physiology of snowshoe hares. CSF 4332 Vander Wal
Pierce McNie

Forest ecology and management.

CSF 2228

Michael Peers

Examining the effects of climate change on snowshoe hares, and studying the ecology and management of wood bison in the Yukon.

CSF 4332

Vander Wal

Catherine Scott Research on the night time hunting behavior of the Candy-striped spider, as well as undertaking assessments of NL’s insect diversity using a citizen science approach.  CSF 2233 Chapman