Graduate Students


NameProgramResearch TopicOfficeSupervisor
Alex Arkilanian PhD Impacts of disturbance on aquatic-terrestrial connectivity and functioning CSF 4324 Leroux
Angelo Armijos Carrion PhD  Clade-specific phylogenetic community structure across habitats in Newfoundland  CSF 4303  Roncal
Sepideh Azari MSc The regulation of feeding and reproduction in fish  CSF 4303  Volkoff
Joseph Baafi PhD Control of infectious disease CSF 4324  Hurford
Artho Baroi MSc Regulation of plant pathogenicity in Streptomyces species CSF 4216 Bignell
Alana Barton MSc Disturbance effects on predator-prey interactionson and marine food web dynamics CSF 4303 Snelgrove
Rajesh Barua PhD  Plant tissue culture and molecular techiques for blueberry improvement  CSF 4303 Debnath / Igamberdiev
Sean Basquill PhD Assessing the response of ecosystems to global changes    Leroux
Ethan Bishop MSc Animal movement and disturbance CSF 4324 Vander Wal
Maliya Cassels MSc Paleoecological reconstruction of an Atlantic Puffin colony CSF 4324  Hargan
Marcela Castano Rodriguez PhD Larval invertebrate - marine bacterial pathogen interactions CSF 4303 Wheeler
Kaitlyn Cothran MSc Wildlife microbiology CSF 4303 Lang/Hargan
Katrina Cruickshanks MSc Lichen diversity in forest canopies CSF 4324 Wiersma
Emilie Dedeban MSc Movement ecology of disturbance  CSF 4324  Vander Wal
Deepal Deshpande MSc Gene transfer agents in bacteria CSF 4303  Lang
Matthew Drodge  MSc Exploring the use of marine yeasts from coastal Newfoundland for beer fermentation CSF 4216   Bignell
Rebecca Evans  MSc Estimating ecological functions and services associated with kelp export   CSF 4303  Snelgrove
Alexander Flynn MSc Phylogeography and post-glacial disperrsal to lake trout in Labrador    Marshall / Carr
Charlotte Freydier PhD Behaviour, evolution and sexual conflict in water striders   Pena-Castillo/Perry
Kajal Gupta MSc Gene regulation in actinobacteria CSF 4216 Tahlan
Connor Hanley MSc Salmonid reproduction CSF 4324 Purchase
Ava Hart MSc Patterns and predictors of adult Atlantic salmon movement in fresh waters CSF 4324 Purchase/Leroux
Christopher Hart  MSc      Vander Wal
Yvonne He PhD Gene transfer agent in Rhodobacter capsulatus  CSF 4303 Lang
Riley Henniffent MSc Critical habitat for blue felt lichen acriss spatial scales CSF 4324 Wiersma
Lucas Hollett  MSc  Distribution of invasive mosquitoes and viruses in NL  CSF 4303   Chapman / Atanu Sarkat 
Junjie Hu  PhD Proteomics and molecular mechanisms of interaction between seed dormancy and after-ripening in wheat   Igamberdiev / Bykova
Jeremy Hussey MSc Forest disturbances and stoichiometric pattern CSF 4324 Wiersma
Bohan Jiang MSc Production and characterization of microbial bioactive metabolites CSF 4216 Tahlan
Kimberley Keats  PhD Microbial Biogeography in the Worlds Oceans   Schneider
Katrien Kingdon PhD Predator-prey dynamics and anthropogenic disturance  CSF 4324  Vander Wal
Sayani Kundu  PhD  In vitro culture and epigenetic variation in northen food plants  CSF 4303  Debnath / Igamberdiev
Jillian Kusch  PhD Social lives of animals  CSF 4324  Vander Wal
Hong Kiu Lau PhD  Tracking seabird population using paleoecological records  CSF 4324  Hargan
Olivia Leach MSc Foraging ecology and climate change CSF 4324 Vander Wal
Eloise Lessard PhD Caribou ecology CSF 4324 Vander Wal
Wanyue Li MSc Specialized metabolism in plant pathogenic Streptomyces species CSF 4216 Bignell
May Lin MSc The use of eDNA in decipering marine food webs   Snelgrove
Elizabeth Mack MSc Microbiology of wild birds CSF 4303 Hargan / Lang
Joshua Mack MSc Implications of regional heterogeneity on disease establishment risk CSF 4324 Hurford
Sweety Majumder PhD Tissue culture-induced epigenetic variations in berry crops in relation to their antioxidant properties CSF 4303 Igamberdiev / Debnath
Amy McAllister MSc The trophic ecology of deep-sea fishes  CSF 4303  Snelgrove
Khandoker Munira Mehjabin PhD Gene transfer agents in bacteria CSF 4303  Lang
Adam Meyer PhD  Direct and indirect effects of herbivores on ecosystem functioning  CSF 4324  Leroux
Emily Monk MSc  Phenological Mismatch  CSF 4324  Vander Wal
Victoria Neville PhD  Cod otolith micro-chemistry    Rose / Rowe
Kenechukwu Ojukwu PhD Diapause of the eastern spruce budworm   Lang/Toxopeus
Destiny O'Quinn MSc Chemotaxis in bacterial pathogens of larval shellfish CSF 4303 Wheeler
Hayley Paquette PhD  Arctic lichens of Newfoundland CSF 4324  Wiersma / McMullin
Nicolas Penafiel PhD  Characterization of a trans-andean corridor for lowland plants, and conservation genetics of parajubaea  CSF 4303  Roncal / Oleas
Victor Perez-Calle PhD Systematics and biogeography of Caribbean plants CSF 4303 Roncal
Allison Porter PhD Molecular & Cellular Biology  CSF 4324  Staveley
Ishraq Rahman  PhD  Seabirds as vectors of antimicrobial resistant bacteria  CSF 4216  Hargan / Lang
Mikael Ranta PhD Salmon productivity CSF 4324 Leroux/Purchase
Alec Robitaille PhD  Network Ecology  CSF 4324   Vander Wal
Ayla Rouah MSc Carbapenem and clavam antibiotic production in bacteria CSF 4216 Tahlan
Brady Rudh MSc Spatial and temporal gradients across Newfoundland wetlands CSF 4324   Hargan
Ky Schlosberg MSc Fish ecology and reproduction CSF 4324 Purchase
Arshad Shaikh PhD Strategies to induce the production of bioactive secondary metabolites in Streptomyces species  CSF 4216 Tahlan
Oladapo Simeon PhD Microbiology of serpentinizing environments CSF 4303  Lang / Morrill 
Madelyn Swackhamer MSc Metabolomics analysis of clavam biosynthesis   Tahlan
Corrie Vincent PhD Elucidating the role of concanamycins in the pathogenicity of Streptomyces scabiei  CSF 4216 Bignell
Courtney White MSc   Ecology CSF 4324 Hargan
Margaret Wilkes MSc Comparison of natural and farmed blueberry pollinators    Hermanutz / Cutler 
Emmerson Wilson MSc Forecasting carbon sequestration in boreal forests under different scenarios of forest management CSF 4324 Leroux
Jose Ignacio Vasquez    PhD Host pathogen interaction   Santander
Vadym Zaluzhnyi  MSc  Virus discovery in marine animal samples  CSF 4303   Dufour