
Professor | Biology
I do research in microbiology and plant pathology with a focus on soilborne bacteria that cause economically important diseases of root and tuber crops. My work includes the genetic and biochemical characterization of plant pathogens as well as the detection, purification and structural/functional analysis of small molecules and other microbial factors that mediate host-pathogen interactions.

Professor | Biology | Computer Science
I do research in molecular evolution and population genetics, with a focus on vertebrate species of the North Atlantic and Nearctic. I also have interests in genetic relationships and continuity between ancient and modern peoples of Newfoundland.

Professor | Biology
I study entomology with a focus on assessing the threat of mosquitos in Newfoundland and Labrador as vectors of human disease mosquitos (with collaborators in Biology, Geography, and Medicine). I also have an interest in honeybee biology, and with the help of undergraduate students and an apiarist, I am managing beehives on our main campus.

Professor | Biology |
I do research in marine biology with a focus on animal-bacterial symbioses. I also have interests in microbial diversity applied to the study of benthic impacts of aquaculture.

Professor | Biology | Geography
I do research in geobiology, paleoecology, and marine conservation biology, with a focus on deep-sea corals, cold-water carbonates, and tropical coral reefs. My work aims to understand geological and oceanographic controls on distributions, growth rates and carbonate production rates, use their skeletons to investigate past ocean conditions, assess associated biodiversity, and investigate the impacts of ocean acidification on these systems.

Assistant Professor | Biology
I do research in aquatic ecology with a focus in paleolimnology -- using sediment records to understand long-term environmental change. I most often use diatoms, invertebrates, lipids, geochemistry, and more recently DNA, to study past and present food webs, ecosystem responses to stressors, and ecosystem processes that connect habitats.

Professor | Biology | Mathematics and Statistics
I am a mathematical biologist who focuses on ecology and infectious diseases. I also have interests in public health policy, evolutionary epidemiology, climate effects on population dynamics, and data science.
Professor | Biology
I do research in plant physiology and biochemistry with a focus on mitochondrial respiration, photorespiration, and adaptation to anaerobic stress. My work ranges from metabolism of nitric oxide to the studies of expression of genes and proteins involved in the response of plants to environmental stress factors.

Professor | Biology
I investigate marine bird biology with field-based studies focussing on behavioral ecology, life history, demography, distribution, movement and migration, and responses to ocean climate and anthropogenic mortality, with applications to conservation.

Professor | Biology / Deputy Head (Graduate)
I am a microbiologist who focuses on diversity and evolution of bacteria and viruses. My work ranges from lab-based molecular microbiology to field-based studies on wildlife and their microbes.

Professor | Biology
I do research in ecosystem ecology with a focus on understanding how biotic and abiotic interactions across ecosystems impact local and landscape level functions (e.g., elemental cycling in boreal forests). My work includes field experiments, observational studies at local to global extents, spatial data analysis, and mathematical modelling.

Associate Professor | Biology | Deputy Head (Undergraduate)
I do research in evolutionary genetics, with a focus on population genetics of Newfoundland and Labrador mammals. I also have interests in evolution and natural selection at the molecular level.
Professor | Biology
I study evolutionary aspects of animal behaviour (mainly acoustic communication) and morphology. My research on sound communication is mainly on shorebirds (geographic variation; systematics), and in morphology ranges from investigations of vocal-tract anatomy in non-passerine birds to character variation and size-scaling of hard structures in Carnivora.

Professor | Biology | Computer Science
I am a bioinformatician with a focus on bacterial gene regulation and genomics. My work ranges from applying established bioinformatics pipelines to employing machine learning methods.

Professor | Biology
I do research in evolutionary ecology with a focus on reproduction of fish. My work ranges from field-based studies on fish ecology to lab-based experimental evolution using live sperm and embryos.

Department Head | Biology
Research Interests: Research uses functional genomic tools and techniques to study the genes and molecular pathways involved in aquatic animal growth, development, and responses to pathogens and environmental stressors (e.g. pollutants, temperature stress).

Associate Professor | Biology
I study botany with a focus on systematics and biogeography of tropical plants. I also have interests in conservation genomics and phylogenetic community ecology applied to understand plant community assembly in boreal and tropical forests.

Professor | Biology | Ocean Science
I do research in marine biology with a focus on biodiversity and conservation of seafloor habitats in coastal and deep-sea ecosystems. I also have interests in ecosystem functioning spanning from habitat provisioning to nutrient recycling, and how functioning links to biodiversity of invertebrates and fishes.

Professor | Biology
My research is in molecular cell biology and developmental genetics with a focus on aging, enhanced homeostasis, and increased lifespan and "health-span" by investigation of Drosophila (fruit fly) as a model organism. My work includes modelling diseases of the aged, such as ALS and Parkinson Disease, and evaluation of nutraceutical supplements.

Professor | Biology
I do research in microbiology with a focus on antibiotic discovery, antibiotic resistance and pathogen evolution. My work ranges from basic laboratory research on bacterial genetics, genomics and biochemistry, to human/veterinary microbiomes, epidemiology, and diagnostics.

Professor | Biology
My research is at the interface of behavioural, wildlife, and evolutionary ecology. My research bridges fundamental and applied science, aspiring to affect positive change in management and conservation of mammals.

Professor | Biology | Biochemistry
I do research in fish endocrinology with a focus on the regulation of food intake and reproduction. My work ranges from in vivo treatments and behavioural observations to molecular biology.

Assistant Professor | Biology
I do research in marine ecology with a focus on biophysical interactions occurring in ocean bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and larvae. My work includes the design of new experimental apparatuses to capture the physical and chemical environments experienced by marine plankton in the laboratory.

Professor | Biology
I am a landscape ecologist who focuses on conservation and biodiversity of lichens and other species in the boreal forest. I also have interests in using landscape experiments to understand how spatial patterns and ecological processes are linked.

Assistant Professor | Biology
I am a Molecular Mycologist who focuses on the use of systems biology-oriented approaches to better understand how Candida species interact with their host environment. I am also interested in studying both function and evolution of transcription factors in ascomycetes, which are key decision makers of fungal physiology and pathogenicity.