Course Descriptions


A selection of the following graduate courses will be offered to meet the requirements of candidates, as far as the resources of the Department will allow:

BIOL 6000 Research Topics in Microbiology
Graduate reading and writing course that will cover a range of specialized topics in Microbiology. Prerequisites: 3050 or equivalent

BIOL 6131 Models in Biology
Study of the design and analysis of statistical and mathematical models for exploring the biology of cells, genes, species, populations, communities and ecosystems. Qualitative, quantitative and graphical techniques are used to analyze models and to compare theoretical predictions with empirical data. Classic models of biology will be covered.

BIOL 6351 Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
(cross-listed as Psychology 6351) credit cannot be obtained if already received for Biology 4701

An examination of the behaviour of animals with particular emphasis on evolution and ecology. Topics include behavioural genetics and evolution, reproductive strategies, social behaviour, habitat selection, territoriality, foraging behaviour, and other topics in biology and psychology.

BIOL 6591 Current Approaches to Biomedical Research(Cross-listed as Medicine 6591) 
The purpose of this course is to explore current methods used in molecular medicine and to apply this information through presentations and assignments.  A team of instructors will lead students through the basics of informatics, imaging, gene expression and protein analysis, sequencing technologies, cellular and animal models for disease modeling, cellular signaling and genome editing techniques.

BIOL 6592 Bacterial Genetics (Cross-listed as Biochemistry 6592) Prerequisite: Biology 4241 or Biochemistry 4100 (or equivalent)
BIOL 6593 Selected Readings in Molecular Biology (Cross-listed as Biochemistry 6593) Prerequisites or Co-requisites: Biology 6590, 6591/Biochemistry 6590, 6591/Medicine 6590, 6591 (or equivalent)
The aim of this graduate course is to gain a comprehensive view on modern developments in the study of physiological processes in plants at the molecular level and how these processes are influenced by environmental factors. The course will also provide the basic information about the methods of plant molecular biology.

BIOL 6710 Marine Benthic Biology

BIOL/OCSC 7000 - Being a Researcher in the Biological Sciences
The objectives of this course are to: (1) explore what it is to be a graduate student at Memorial University; (2) gain an understanding of the process underlying science and the significant ethical issues that confront a biologists; (3) explore the “culture” and responsibilities of modern research and science; and (4) develop, draft and present a preliminary thesis proposal.

BIOL 7101 Topics in Marine
Focuses on the organisms that live in a wide variety of aquatic bottom habitats, and the impacts they have on their environment. Students look at how thesis organisms are adapted for living in a different benthic environments, and consider how diversity and function shape the ecosystem services provided by those environments. There will be a strong emphasis on the marine environment but we will briefly cover freshwater systems as well.

BIOL 7201 Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Physiology

BIOL 7220 Quantitative Methods in Biology
The goal of this course is for you to learn a model based approach to the analysis of data in scientific research. Skill and confidence come with practice, so assignments and quizzes will be short and frequent. Lecture material will emphasize principles of good quantitative analysis, illustrated by complete examples. Laboratories will cover the computational aspects of problem solving, with a package of the student’s choice.

BIOL 7300 Ornithology (credit cannot be obtained if already received for Biology 4620)

BIOL 7301 Topics in Ecology and Conservation Biology

BIOL 7530 The Molecular Basis of Development is at the centre of all biology. This course is ideal for those interested in whole organism biology and in molecular cell biology as we focus upon the study of developmental systems and the underlying principles and molecular mechanisms involved in cellular differentiation, morphogenesis and growth.

BIOL 7535 Research Methods in Marine Science
A course intended to prepare a student for their own research in topics related to marine science. Students will acquire familiarity with relevant marine habitats and organisms through mastering appropriate sampling and analytical techniques while carrying out an individual research project.

BIOL 7551/ OCSC 7551
This graduate course takes a global view of marine fisheries resource management, currently in crisis from failure of governments to prevent the collapse of many major commercial fisheries.
7920-7960 Special Topics in Biology (Note: Biology 7931 may be delivered in an accelerated format outside of the regular semester timeframe)

BIOL 7922 Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Systematics
A course to familiarize students with current issues in evolutionary genetics, working with data and computer programs to analyze data sets, and critically reviewing papers in evolutionary genetics.

BIOL 7927 Conservation Biology

BIOL 7931 Research Methods in Genetic Biology
Molecular genetic methods, such as PCR, cloning and DNA sequencing, have become essential and routine in biology, biochemistry, medicine, biotechnology, conservation, forensics and law enforcement, psychology and even the study of human history.

BIOL 7932. Applications of the Generalized Linear Model in the Analysis of Research Data
Graduate students often acquire data (such as counts) that do not meet the error assumptions for analysis via the general linear model (t-tests, ANOVA, regression, ANCOVA, etc). In this seminar course students will learn to apply the Generalized Linear Mixed Model, which allows non-normal errors.

BIOL 7933 Advanced Topics in Marine Invertebrates

BIOL 7934: Special topics in cellular and molecular endocrinology
Selected topics on vertebrate endocrinology, including major endocrine systems and their control of physiological functions, are presented in the course. Emphasis is placed on understanding structure-function relationships of hormones, their receptors and biological activities. Examples from the recent literature are used to illustrate/discuss recent advances in molecular endocrinology.

BIOL 7936 Advanced Microbial Physiology
Microbial physiology is a study of the structure and growth of microorganisms. Subjects include the structure and function of cellular machinery, communication, and regulation. Quantitative experimental methodology is studies in the laboratory.

BIOL 7937 Proteomics
This course is designed for graduated students who wish to acquire a better understanding of fundamental concepts of proteomics and hands-on experience with techniques used in current proteomics.

BIOL 7931 Genomics
This course in Genomics will build on the foundation of Biology courses involving molecular techniques and genetics, and will provide students with theory and laboratory experience on genomic techniques such as: 1) DNA microarray experimental design, hybridization, and data analysis; and 2) quantitative reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) validation of microarray- identified transcripts.

BIOL 7941 Introduction to Bioinformatics
This course aims to cover both the theory and practice of bioinformatics. It will explain the fundamental concepts, algorithms and biological applications of existing bioinformatics tools.

BIOL 7944 Conservation in Practise

BIOL 7946 - Field sampling approaches and applied statistical philosophy
This class is designed to teach students how to conduct field research well. It combines physical methods of gathering data with statistical philosophy to identify benefits of different approaches for even slightly differing hypotheses. It is field intensive, hands-on, and applied. The major focus will be on practical techniques and tradeoffs between data quality, quantity, costs, and ethical/environmental considerations. You will gain experience in critical thinking and field techniques; the biology of the organisms sampled will not be evaluated.