Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

The NMR lab contains three spectrometers, a Bruker AVANCE II 600MHZ, a Bruker AVANCE 500MHz and a Tecmag APOLLO 300MHz. All instruments are user run with training provided by research assistants and are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. There is also a sample service for infrequent users. All data workup is done off-line from the instruments on networked PCs utilizing various software packages. One and two dimensional experiments are available with menu driven data acquisition and macro driven data workup.
Bruker AVANCE II 600
This new state-of-the-art instrument is equipped with high-resolution, solid-state and micro-imaging capabilities, enabling a wide range of materials to be researched, from proteins and inorganic solids characterization to diffusion coefficients measurements. Each system comes with specific probes to cover a large variety of nuclei and experiments:
· Inverse triple resonance probe, VT, Z-gradient for 1H observation with 13C, 15N decoupling
· 19F/1H dual probe with 1H decoupling, Z-gradient, VT.
· Flat coil dual-tuned probe for 1H to 15N/31P cross-polarization
· Flat coil triple tuned CP probe: 1H/19F/2H
· Triple tuned CP/MAS probe with VT : 1H/13C/15N
· Triple tuned CP/MAS probe with VT: 1H/31P/13C
· Triple tuned CP/MAS probe with VT :1H/19F/X (X=15N-31P)
VT, actively shielded gradients probehead with exchangeable:
· 1H solenoid insert for 2mm samples
· 1H RF inserts for 5 and 10mm samples
· 2H/1H insert for 5mm samples
· Z-gradient coil for diffusion applications
Bruker AVANCE 500
This instrument is equipped with an auto tune, inverse detect, gradient, 1H, 13C, 15N probe which is also capable of being tuned to 19F. The instrument has been set up with user modifiable macros for common 1D and 2D experiments and selective excitation routines.
Tecmag APOLLO 300
The Apollo 300 spectrometer provides routine 1H / 13C high-resolution spectra and X-nucleus experiments are available upon request. The instrument is available to all users and is also used for undergraduate teaching.
These instruments were purchased with financial support from CFI, IRIF and NSERC.