Biochemistry & Biochemistry (Nutrition) Honours Project Selection
As part of our curriculum modernization, all faculty members will now participate in the honours program. To help students make informed choices, we are providing a document outlining faculty research areas and the types of honours theses they are available to supervise.
What You Need to Do:
If you plan to complete an honours thesis, please submit a ranked list of your top three thesis preferences (including topic and style). If you have an existing research relationship with a faculty member (e.g., through summer research projects or MUCEPs) and wish to continue that work, please indicate this in your ranking.
Deadline: Thursday, March 21, 2024, by 5:00 PM
Submit to:
Selection Process:
A departmental committee will review submissions and assign students to supervisors, prioritizing first choices where possible while also considering previous research experience. Assignments will be released in early April, giving students time to consult with their supervisors before the summer break to ensure a smooth transition into September.
For more details, review the following:
Biochemistry Faculty Research Areas
Types of Honours Projects
Make sure to reach out to potential supervisors if you have any questions—this is your opportunity to explore research that excites you!