PhD students receive CRTP Fellowship

Congratulations to Craig Ayre and Nikitha Kendyala Pallegar, PhD students in Dr. Sherri Christian’s lab, on receiving Cancer Research Training Program Fellowships from the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute, matched by Memorial University. CRTP fellowships are awarded to outstanding graduate students or post-doctoral fellows undertaking any type of research with relevance to cancer.
CRTP brings together trainees from all four Atlantic Provinces who are engaged in research encompassing any aspect of cancer research, including psycho-social, clinical, and basic research. The CRTP awards are a part of a comprehensive training program that includes work-in-progress presentations by trainees, and integrated learning sessions and scientific presentations from lead cancer researchers. In addition, CRTP trainees can receive funding to attend regional, national, and international conferences. CRTP awards for graduate students are $17,825 per year for up to 2 years, and for post-doctoral fellows are $36,750 per year for up to 2 years. The CRTP program is generously funded by the Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) and the Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR) through the Canadian Institutes in Health Research (CIHR).