Faculty of Science Awards

The Faculty of Science held its annual awards and recognition ceremony on Oct. 5 past. During the ceremony, Dr. Mark Abrahams, dean of science, presented the Dean’s List award, which recognizes the top 10 per cent of students in the Faculty of Science.
Fifty one Biochemistry majors were among those named to the Dean’s List.
“This year, it required an average of approximately 83 per cent or higher to reach the dean’s list,” said event host Dr. Andy Foster, associate dean of science. “That’s quite a significant achievement.”
The Lou Visentin Award which recognizes the outstanding achievements of students graduating with a B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Hons.) degree named to the Dean’s List for four consecutive years was presented by Dr. Gary Kachanoski, president and vice-chancellor of Memorial University. It is the highest award for undergraduate academic achievement in the Faculty of Science. This year, Biochemistry students receiving the award were: Michael Davis, Sarah Dinn (pictured receiving her award from Dr. Kachanoski), Victoria Linehan, Francis Mackey, Noelle Marsh, Lesley McIntyre, Jonathan Mong, Sandeep Muram, Megan Richards, and Daniel Wadden.
The Dean of Science Book Prize, which is awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student in each department offering a B.Sc. program, was presented by Dr. David Wardlaw, provost and vice-president (academic). The Biochemistry recipient was Maria Powell.
Congratulations to all our students for their achievements.
In addition to recognizing student academic achievement, the ceremony also honoured faculty and staff. Dr. Abrahams presented the 2011 Distinguished Scholar Medal to Dr. Graham Bodwell, Department of Chemistry, and the Distinguished Service Award to Roberta (Robbie) Hicks of the Department of Earth Sciences.