Biochemistry Graduate Courses

The Department of Biochemistry offers a diverse selection of graduate courses designed to provide advanced knowledge and research skills in biochemistry, nutrition, metabolism, and food science. While courses are typically offered on a rotating basis every other year, students can expect a rigorous and enriching academic experience.

Core and Specialized Courses

  • 6000-6009 Special Topics in Biochemistry
  • 6010-6019 Special Topics in Nutrition and Metabolism
  • 6020-6029 Special Topics in Food Science
  • 6400 Control of Intermediary Metabolism
  • 6460 Structural Biochemistry
  • 6520 Nutritional Biochemistry
  • 6530 Food Biochemistry
  • 6590 Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (Credit restricted with Biology 6590 and Medicine 6590)
  • 6630 Marine Biochemistry
  • 6680 Processing and Quality of Foods
  • 6999 Seminars in Biochemistry and Food Science
  • 7000 Graduate Skills

Our graduate curriculum is designed to equip students with the expertise needed for cutting-edge research and careers in academia, healthcare, industry, and beyond. For the most up-to-date course offerings and scheduling, please consult the department’s academic calendar.