Specific Course FAQs
Can I get a prerequisite waiver for Biochemistry 2201?
You must pass one course in Organic Chemistry (either Chemistry 2400 or Chemistry 2440) before you will be admitted to Biochemistry 2201. No pass, no admission!
Do I have to repeat the labs in Biochemistry ####?
If you are repeating a lecture plus lab course, (example: Bioc3402), - either because you failed it the first time or because you want to improve your mark - then, IF you obtained a lab mark of 70% or better the previous time that you took the course, you will be excused the labs. We will use your previous lab mark in computing your new mark.
There's a time limit, though. You must repeat the course within 5 years of taking it.
If you are repeating a lab only course, (example: Bioc2901, 3906, 3907), lab exemptions are not possible.
I have registered for Medicine 310A and it shows 0 credits. Is this correct? Isn't it supposed to be a 3 credit course?
Linked A/B courses, such as medicine 310A and B, give no credit for the first course and 6 credits for the second course. See Regulation 6.9.4 in the University Calendar.