Damian Castro


Email: damianc@mun.ca
Phone: (709) 864-2111
Room:  Queen's College, Room QC4011

Recent Publications:

2016 Arctic Ontologies: Reframing the Relationship between Humans and Rangifer. Polar Geography, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp-89-112.

2014 Natcher, David, Damián Castro, Larry Felt “Hunter Support Programs and the Northern Social Economy” in Southcott, Chris, “Northern Communities Working Together” University of Toronto Press.

2013 Damián Castro, Glen Lesins, Rachel Hirsch, Kaz Higuchi, “Cooperative Food Sharing in Sheshatshiu: Uncovering Scenarios to Support the Emergent Capacity of Northern Communities”, in Pincus Rebecca, “Polar Diplomacy”, Yale University Press.

Recent Film:

2017 Atiku Napeu (48 min) This is a documentary about the caribou man, the master of all caribou and other land animals. It shows how the Innu respect and honor the caribou man during the Newfoundland and Labrador caribou hunting ban. It will be released in the fall 2016. https://youtu.be/SDGM0AKob8o .

Research Projects:

ISER Research grant 2019 for the project “Hunting practices and the non-monetary economies of Newfoundland and Labrador".

2018 Research contract: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, $24,000.