Dean's List
The Dean's List is a way of recognizing excellence in students who are registered for a BA or BA Honours degree. Compiled annually in the spring, it includes the very best students.
To make the Dean's List, students must complete a minimum of 9 courses over two semesters (or 10 over three semesters) and achieve high marks. For more information, view the complete criteria for the Dean's List.
The list is automatically compiled, and students who make the list are notified.
Anthropology students on the 2019 Dean's List are:
Tomoya Boehm
Amelia Del Rizzo
Jesslee Devison
Jennifer Wilkins (book prize)
Anthropology students on the 2018 Dean's List are:
Daniel Blunt
Tomoya Boehm
Sianna Bulman
Emma Crosbie
Andrew Van Vliet
Jennifer Wilkins
Anthropology students on the 2017 Dean's List are:
- Byrce Anderson
- Andrew Van Vilet
- Emma Crosbie
- Shannon Reid
Anthropology students on the 2016 Dean's List are:
- Colin Grenning
- Kaitlyn Hollett
- Melanie Perron