By Gary Kachanoski, President and Vice-Chancellor

THE ROMAN PLAYWRIGHT Plautus once said, ‘Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired.’ These words provide a fitting description of the innovative alumni we highlight in this issue of Luminus.
The young women and men featured here are recent graduates of Memorial and their time as students, at least in part, has coincided with my tenure as president and vice-chancellor. Their stories exemplify the remarkable people and commitment to excellence that defines Memorial University. As I enter into the last year of my final term as president, I consider the work we’ve completed together and the exciting opportunities ahead.
In the pages that follow, thriving ventures like HeyOrca, SucSeed and CoLab Software, among many others, represent how entrepreneurial drive, social responsibility and technological savvy are being supported at our university. Not limited to the world of business, innovation is pervasive in the work of graduates from across our faculties, schools and campuses, and revealed in art, medicine, education, music and science, to name just a few. We also see how an inspired investment by Emera Inc. will embolden innovation and entrepreneurship programming at our university, a $7 million contribution recognized by naming the public engagement and innovation space at our new Signal Hill Campus as the Emera Innovation Exchange.
We are focused on creating a culture of innovation at Memorial University and in doing so, keep our special obligation to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador sharply in view. It is a commitment shared by Memorial’s greatest ambassadors, these alumni among them. As this province’s only university, we must do our part by supporting their innovative spirit and their courage to pursue exceptional ideas.
Their wisdom and accomplishments will inspire, create incredible possibilities for success — and guide our prosperity for generations to come.
Dr. Gary Kachanoski is the President and Vice-Chancellor of Memorial University.