Health Explored

Health Explored - A Webinar Series with Dr. Mike Wahl

Join Memorial University's Dr. Mike Wahl for Health Explored, a webinar series brought to you in collaboration with the Office of Development and Alumni Engagement. 

Dr. Mike Wahl is a distinguished professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University with a diverse background encompassing the fields of health, media, and entrepreneurship. His career journey reflects a rich array of experiences, both locally and internationally. He is the producer and host of the series.

Having traversed nearly 50 countries, Dr. Wahl's insatiable curiosity has provided him with a deep understanding of diverse cultures and health practices from around the world. This wealth of global experiences forms the foundation for his role as the host and producer of "Health Explored".

Bookmark this page and check back for new episodes each month from January through April 2024, and again in September through December.

Can water heal?

Why are we drawn to water? Is it simply a view of a beach, or does it go further than that? We ask the question - does being close to or in water actually improve our health?

Join us for this first webinar in Health Explored, a new series presented by Memorial University's Dr. Mike Wahl. Learn about a therapy program from New Zealand that incorporates surfing, nature and good conversation; discover why water is sacred in Maori culture; and explore the insights on the healing power of water in the work of NY Times best-selling author Dr. Wallace J. Nichols!

Each episode in this series features a 20-minute presentation by Dr. Wahl, followed by a 20 minute Q&A session.

Watch episode 1 - Diving into the Blue Mind here. 

India's ancient traditions have fostered a culture of spirituality that resonates through everything, from karma and yoga to breathing and meditation. Learn how we can find order in a fast-paced world.

Join us for the second webinar in Health Explored, a new series presented by Memorial University's Dr. Mike Wahl. Explore enlightening experiences and lessons learned from a transformative journey to India. Discover the art of finding inner peace amidst external chaos; learn about the inspiring use of mindfulness techniques and much more!

Watch episode 2 - Journey Into Mindfulness here.

Bhutan is a nation that has made the pursuit of happiness not just an ideal but a tangible, national priority.

Join Dr. Mike Wahl as he shares firsthand experiences – from the bustling capital city of Thimphu to the peaceful, rural farms of Punakha – about how Bhutanese culture deeply ingrains happiness as a way of life. Learn about the innovative ways schools in Bhutan educate for happiness, diving into their unique curriculum that places equal importance on both well-being and academic achievement. Learn how local communities in Bhutan actively promote well-being and why happiness is considered a crucial yardstick in every facet of Bhutanese life.

Watch episode 3 - Finding Happiness here.

Have you ever hiked with all five senses? Learn how from the founder of forest bathing, Dr. Takahide Kagawa.

Join Dr. Mike Wahl in Japan, where he explores Shin Rin Yoku, an ancient practice that improves health by immersing oneself in nature. As a new national mandate to prescribe nature is emerging in Canada, how can we learn to tap into this abundant medicine?

Watch episode 4 - Getting Lost in Nature here.