We host events for alumni and friends throughout the world to network, socialize and connect with fellow alumni and to catch up with what's going on at your alma mater.
Here you'll find information on a variety of events happening in 2025, Memorial University's centennial year! These events include opportunities for professional development, networking, family activities, entertainment, education and more. Check out what's going on!
Join us for our first event in Memorial's Centennial year! Coast Lines and Coffee on January 26th, featuring authors and alumni Marjorie Doyle (MA'87) and Willow Kean (BFA'99) as they discuss their respective books, Boulder Books' Mary Foley, Mary Doyle and Breakwater Books' Eyes In Front When Running with our host, Angela Antle (BA'91).
Event Details:
Date: Sunday, Jan. 26
Time: 11am - 1pm NL time
Panel discussion will run from 11:30 - 12:30 and will be live-streamed.
Location: Emera Innovation Exchange, Signal Hill Campus
Ticket Price (in-person event): $25 CAD
A limited number of seats are available.
Alan Doyle (BA'92) needs no introduction - especially for Memorial University alumni. Best known for his work with Canadian roots-rock institution Great Big Sea, Alan has been packing pubs, theatres, and halls across the country for 30 years. Following up on three brilliant solo albums over the past decade, Alan recorded "We Don't Wanna Go Home", a single with country star Dean Brody in 2019. Add to the mix Alan's philanthropy, his achievements on-screen and his musical collaborations with actor Russell Crowe, and his two bestselling memoirs, and it's easy to see why this award-winning Newfoundlander holds a special place in the hearts of Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast.
As part of our centennial celebrations, Memorial University will hold private pre-show festivities as part of Alan's concert in Calgary on Jan. 18, 2025. Start the new year off with Newfoundland and Labrador spirit and book your tickets through our office and in addition to your seats, in a reserved Memorial alumni section, you also get to attend a private pre-show social with alumni and friends!
A limited number of tickets are on sale for two weeks only! Don't miss out on extra fun at this already-joyful show.
- Date: Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025
Time: 6 - 7:45pm (reception), show begins at 8pm - Location: Grey Eagle Event Centre, 3775 Grey Eagle Drive, Calgary, AB, T3E 3X8
- Tickets: $96.60 ($88.04 + GST + processing fee) CAD
Ticket price includes appetizers and beverages (including one drink ticket).
The Trans-Canada Highwaymen (TCH) are Canada’s supergroup. This all-star lineup of musicians including Moe Berg from The Pursuit of Happiness, Chris Murphy from Sloan, Craig Northey from Odds and Steven Page, formerly of the Barenaked Ladies, have penned countless iconic songs that have enriched Canadian culture. And now they’re hitting the road together as a band!
The Thompson Student Centre (TSC) is Memorial University’s own legendary Can-rock venue, housing a history of epic shows that are still being talked about.
We figure the TCH and TSC are made for each other!
As part of the 100th anniversary of our beloved university, travel back in time with us to the glory days of the TSC at an exclusive pre-show primer for alumni and friends! Stroll through our Super TSC lounge, peruse old photos and hopefully mingle with old and new friends.
We'll be stopping at the below destinations:
- Stephenville on Feb. 8
- Corner Brook on Feb. 9
- Labrador West on Feb. 11
- Grand Falls-Windsor on Feb. 13
- Gander on Feb. 14
- St. John's on Feb. 15
All you have to do to get access is use the following code when you purchase tickets: MUNALUMNI25
More information to come!
Details coming in the new year!