Our Objectives and Governance



The main objective of Atlantic Algebra Centre (AAC), a Type I Memorial University Research Centre, is the promotion of research and study in Algebra and its applications at MUN and other universities of Atlantic Canada. At its start, AAC enjoyed the support of the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) and Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). Algebra has been a strong point in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Memorial University since a couple of decades ago. The algebraists of MUN maintain strong ties with their colleagues at various universities of Canada and throughout the world. At the beginning of our work, we received invaluable advice from the Advisory board: Yuri Manin (Max Planck Institute and Northwestern University), Sudarshan Sehgal (University of Alberta), and Efim Zelmanov (University of San Diego).

Atlantic Algebra Centre is governed by the Board of Directors, currently: Mikhail  Kochetov (Director), Yuri Bahturin (Founding Director), Edgar Goodaire, Mike Parmenter, and Yiqiang Zhou.

We organize Algebra mini courses by prominent scholars (2 – 3 times a year), an annual workshop, colloquia and seminar talks, and exchange visits of the colleagues in Atlantic Canada. We support the research of active graduate students in Algebra and recent Ph D graduates of participating universities. We organise Algebra competitions among the students of MUN and other universities of Atlantic Canada and participate in events promoting Mathematics in this part of Canada and beyond.