Yorck Sommerhäuser



Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences

CRG "Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras"

Atlantic Algebra Centre


A Short Introduction to Hopf Algebras


Mini course by Yorck Sommerhäuser

Memorial University

November 10 - 26, 2020



From November 10 to November 26, 2020, Professor Yorck Sommerhäuser from Memorial University will teach a mini course on Hopf algebras. Due to the current situation caused by the corona virus disease, the mini course will take place virtually.

Loosely speaking, a Hopf algebra is an algebra for which one can form the tensor product of two representations. A fundamental example is the group algebra of a group. We give an introduction to Hopf algebras emphasising results that are analogues of facts about finite groups, like the theorems of Lagrange, Maschke, and Cauchy. Starting from basic notions, we discuss the theory of integrals and its applications to semisimplicity questions and the order of the antipode.

The course will be suitable for undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and anyone interested in algebra. The internet address for the virtual meeting room is


The mini course will take place from 11:15 to 12:30 Atlantic Standard Time at the following dates:

Tuesday, November 10

Thursday, November 12

Tuesday, November 17

Thursday, November 19

Tuesday, November 24

Thursday, November 26

The mini course is jointly organised by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University, the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science of Saint Mary's University, the AARMS Collaborative Research Group “Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras”, and the Atlantic Algebra Centre. The principal organizers are Mitja Mastnak and Peter Selinger. For further information, please contact Peter Selinger at peter.selinger@dal.ca.




Mini Course Materials

Recording of Lecture 1

Slides of Lecture 1

Recording of Lecture 2

Slides of Lecture 2

Recording of Lecture 3

Slides of Lecture 3

Recording of Lecture 4

Slides of Lecture 4

Recording of Lecture 5

Slides of Lecture 5

Recording of Lecture 6

Slides of Lecture 6
