Animal Behaviour Biology 4701

last update: January 21, 2025

course outline here

do contact me if you have any comments, questions or want to chat about anything

Seminar presentation instructions (here)



Laboratory schedule and suggested papers for review presentations (will be regularly updated)


January 14 THE classic critique of behavioural ecology and sociobiology (Ian presents)

S.J. Gould and R. Lewontin.  1979.  The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: a critique of the adaptationisty program.  Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 205: 581-598. here


January 21 Genetics of behaviour – human examples: pair bonding and social attitudes

B Landsborough, DR Wilson, DJ Mennill. 2020.  Variation in chick-a-dee call sequences, not in the fine structure of chick-a-dee calls, influences mobbing behaviour in mixed-species flocks.  Behavioral Ecology 31(1) 54–62. chick-a-dee.pdf presenter: James

Atton N, Galef BJ, Hoppitt W, Webster MM, Laland KN. 2014 Familiarity affects social network structure and discovery of prey patch locations in foraging stickleback shoals. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140579. presenter: James


January 28 Adaptive control of circadian rhythms

Appenroth et al. 2020. Photoperiodic induction without light-mediated circadian entrainment in a high Arctic resident bird. J Exp Biol 223 (16): jeb220699 presenter: Moira

Foster et al. 2017. Smaller and bolder prey snails have higher survival in staged encounters with the sea star Pisaster giganteus.  Current Zoology 63(6): 633-638. 2017.pdf presenter: Parker


February 4 Examples of optimality theory testing studies

Lanszki J, Bende Z, Nagyapáti N, Lanszki Z, Pongrácz P. (2023). Optimal prey for red fox cubs - An example of dual optimizing foraging strategy in foxes from a dynamic wetland habitat. Ecology and Evolution 13 e10033. presenter: Cate


February 11 Communication

A Wheeldon, P Szymański, A Surmacki, TS Osiejuk. (2021). Song type and song type matching are important for joint territorial defense in a duetting songbird, Behavioral Ecology 32(5):883–894. presenter: Kobe

Reid et al. (2022). Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in Spotted Owls. Journal of Avian Biology 2022(2): e02952 presenter: Teye


February 18 Mate choice and sexual selection

Morina et al. 2018. While males fight, females choose: male phenotypic quality informs female mate choice in mammals. Animal Behaviour 138: 69-74. presenter: Emily

NL Zweerus, M van Wijk, C Schal, AT Groot. (2021). Experimental evidence for female mate choice in a noctuid moth. Animal Behaviour 179:1-13. presenter: Grace


February 25 no lab – winter semester break


March 4 Mating systems

Andrew T. Smith, F. Stephen Dobson. (2022). Social complexity in plateau pikas, Ochotona curzoniae. Animal Behaviour 184:27-41. presenter: Cassandra

Duchateau S, Chéliz G, Gil JA, López-López P. (2022). Adult coloration of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) in the Pyrenees: relation to sex, mating system and productivity. Ibis 164:505-518. presenter: Meghan

March 11 Parental care, or not

Chabert et al. 2015. Size does matter: crocadile mothers react more to the voice of smaller offspring. Nature-Scientific Reports 5(15547) presenter: Tim

March 18 Human Behaviour I 

Jonason et al. 2015. Birds of a “bad” feather flock together: The Dark Triad and mate choice. Personality and Individual Differences 78: 34-38. presenter: Jessica


March 25 Human Behaviour II

L Glowacki. (2024). The controversial origins of war and peace: apes, foragers, and human evolution. Evolution and Human Behavior 45(6):106618. presenter: Wesley

Larva MA, Rantala M.J. (2024). An evolutionary psychological approach toward BDSM interest and behavior. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 53:2253–2267. presenter: Michael




"What if I'm wrong?" (Richard Dawkins - YouTube)

This page is maintained by Ian L. Jones (iljones 'at'