Research Computing

Researchers at Memorial have access to a variety of computing resources and tools to assist in their research activites.   

Computing and Networking Support, Division of Technical Services

This unit provides custom computer assemblies, repairs, upgrades, and system design; technical consultation for computer and network related projects; servicing of Apple and Toshiba computers and a variety of other services.


ACENET is a consortium of Atlantic Canadian post-secondary institutions providing advanced research computing resources (i.e. computing beyond the capabilities of a desktop), expertise, training and support. Through ACENET, researchers in Atlantic Canada are able to access: high performance and big data computing resources; supported cloud environments; leading edge GPU systems; high-speed secure file transfer for terabytes of data; and stable, secure, storage and backup systems.


The Centre for Analytics, Informatics and Research (CAIR) is a high-performance computing centre with the capacity to rapidly process and analyze vast amounts of data and provide secure storage with off-site backups. CAIR staff assist researchers with determining the best tools for analysis, troubleshooting issues, secure transfer of data and results and back-up and data storage.

Through CAIR, Memorial researchers have access to one of Atlantic Canada's fastest computing environments. Projects utilizing CAIR will focus on innovation and research in such diverse fields as data science and astrophysics, genetic analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, image analysis and scientific computing.