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Procedure for Documentation Regarding a Student's Accommodation Request

Approval Date: 2017-12-07

Effective Date: 2017-12-07

Responsible Unit: Student Life


1. All requests for Accommodation must be based on documented need. It is the responsibility of the individual requesting an Accommodation to provide the necessary documentation to the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre.

2. Documentation must be obtained from qualified clinicians, consultants, medical doctors, psychologists, audiologists, rehabilitation counselors, or other professionals who have specific training, designation, expertise, and/or experience and who are considered by the University qualified to assess the nature of the Disability/Disabilities for which Accommodation is being requested.

3. Documentation should include sufficient information to confirm the Disability, along with an explanation of the functional impact of the Disability on the pursuit of post-secondary education. Where possible, the documentation should give explicit recommendations for remedial and/or coping strategies that will assist the student in the pursuit of a course, program, or participation in a University-sponsored event or activity.

a. For students who have a stable condition and a history of accommodation, no further documentation may be required.

b. When a student's functional abilities have shown significant change (i.e., either an improvement or deterioration of status has taken place or is expected to take place) or when the Accommodation requests have changed significantly over the course of studies (e.g., from first to second year), more recent information may be required.

c. Each campus co-ordinating centre will consult with students as to the most appropriate Accommodations in their specific cases (i.e., the Accommodations requested in particular courses, programs, and/or activities could vary depending on the method of evaluation used by the course Instructor).

4. All documentation provided by students is confidential and will be handled in accordance with ATIPPA, any other privacy legislation to which the University is subject, and University policies. However, at the request of the student, the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre will contact the student’s Instructor(s) and/or other University personnel and provide sufficient information, in writing (or appropriate method), about the nature of the Disability and its likely impact in the University setting. Included with this information will be suggestions regarding recommended Accommodations.

5. Verification of Documentation:

a. The appropriate campus co-ordinating centre is responsible for receiving and reviewing documentation relating to the Accommodation request, ensuring the validity of the need for Accommodation, and facilitating approved Accommodation requests by assisting the student, Instructor, and Unit in making Accommodation arrangements.

Because decisions regarding Accommodations may affect a student's progress, and/or participation, verification of documentation must be dealt with expeditiously.

b. The University reserves the right to request further opinions and consultations on the appropriateness of the need for specific adjustments to the student's program. In such cases, the student will be notified, in writing (or other appropriate method), and asked to provide written consent before any documentation concerning the student’s Disability is released or discussed.

c. The University also reserves the right not to be bound by the recommendations formulated by the professional providing the required documentation if such implementation of the recommendations would constitute undue hardship as described in the Accessibility for Students with Disabilities Policy. However, in such cases, the student has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with the Procedure When a Student Accommodation Request Cannot be Arranged.

6. Each campus co-ordinating centre can provide information on appropriate methods for obtaining documentation. However, the University does not assume the cost of such documentation.

Policies using this procedure:

Procedure Amendment History

No recorded history of amendments.