Funding Opportunities

ISER Funding Opportunities


"Please be advised that, for the 2023/24 ISER competition, there is a suspension of the Doctoral and Masters Fellowship Programs."


ISER studies and research projects are pursued through a system of fellowships and grants for approved projects. 

The following may be available:

ISER Doctoral Fellowship (Suspended for the 2023/24 ISER competition)
ISER Post-Doctoral Fellowship
ISER Masters Fellowship (Suspended for the 2023/24 ISER competition)
ISER Research Grant
ISER Conference Grant
ISER Annual Student Essay Prize

In each category, HSS applicants will be given priority.

(Please note: all downloadable application forms require the most recent Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Postdoctoral Fellowship
Available on a competitive basis to researchers from Memorial University of Newfoundland or elsewhere who have completed their doctorate and have presented a research proposal which falls under the Institute's mandate. The doctoral degree must have been completed within six years of the March 1st application deadline date. Visit page

Doctoral Fellowship (Suspended for the 2023/24 ISER competition)
Available only to candidates from Memorial Universtiy specifically for the carrying out of the candidate's doctoral research on a research topic which falls under the Institute's mandate. Visit page.

Masters Fellowship (Suspended for the 2023/24 ISER competition)
Available only to Memorial University students enrolled in a Masters programme and involved in a research project which falls under the Institute's mandate. Visit page.

Research Grant
These grants are available to students, faculty members, and staff affiliated with Memorial University or other institutions, and non-affiliated scholars to help defray the costs of research projects that fall within ISER's mandate. Visit page

ISER Conference Grant
These grants are available to Memorial University organizers in support of scholarly conferences that are within the Institute’s mandate. Visit page.

ISER Annual Student Essay Prize
The competition is open to graduate and honours students for an essay on any topic which falls within the mandate of ISER. Visit page.