BA quantitative reasoning requirement

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  • See the Calendar for a list of current QR courses

The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Requirement is designed to ensure that students develop university-level foundational knowledge and skills in numeracy, quantitative analysis, logical reasoning involving numbers, and/or the graphical representation of data, as described on the QR guidelines page. While QR courses should be completed in the Humanities or Social Sciences, some designated courses in Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, and Psychology have been deemed alternatives. To fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement, a student must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours in foundational Quantitative Reasoning courses, through any combination of courses identified in the Academic Calendar under Faculty of Arts, Program Regulations. Some foundation-level Quantitative Reasoning courses have prerequisites and/or are offered at the 3000-level. Such courses will normally be completed after the first 45 credit hours. Guidelines for QR courses are maintained by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies.

For the comprehensive and current list of courses, search for QR courses in Self-Service by:

  1. Logging into Self-Service
  2. Select “Registration”
  3. Select “ Look-Up Course Offerings”
  4. Select the semester for which you are inquiring about course availability
  5. Select "Advanced Search"
  6. Go to “Attribute Type” and Select “Quantitative Reasoning”

This search will provide a listing of all QR courses offered for the specified semester. The search can be further refined by selecting QR courses in a specific discipline, at a specific campus, etc.