Connecting Memorial with Communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador

Building connections and fostering collaborations is what the Harris Centre is all about — a bridge between the university and the community.

We are Memorial University's hub for public policy and regional development issues. We connect Memorial University faculty, students and staff with people, communities,  organizations  and networks locally, nationally and internationally to encourage informed dialogue, mobilize knowledge, and build collaborations to create a vibrant democracy and prosperous and sustainable society in Newfoundland and Labrador.



 Upcoming Webinar: 

Maximizing Engagement, Collaboration and Internal Promotion Webinar

UArctic is hosting an upcoming webinar focused on the vital theme of "Maximizing Engagement, Collaboration, and Internal Promotion.” This webinar will occur on June 26th, 2024, at 2:00 PM NST and is open to any UArctic member but would be particularly useful for Primary and Alternative Representatives, international offices, leadership, new members, and those involved with the promotion of UArctic within their institution.

This webinar aims to provide valuable insights into the benefits of UArctic membership and offer guidance on forming a vibrant internal UArctic community within your institution. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for promoting UArctic initiatives and answer any questions you may have regarding internal communications.

Panelists include:

  • Geoff Payne, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Northern British Columbia
  • Gary Wilson, Professor and Chair in the Department of Political Science, University of Northern British Columbia and Academic Co-Director of the University of the Arctic's Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education
  • Dag Rune Olsen, Rector of UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
  • Diane Hirshberg, Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research, Professor of Education Policy at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and Vice-President Academic/Alternative Assembly Representative for UArctic.

To register, click here! The webinar will be recorded and a link to the video will be sent to all those who register. For any questions or concerns please reach out to

The Latest Reports: 

NL Vital Signs 2024

The Harris Centre and the Community Foundation of NL recently launched the 2024 edition of Newfoundland and Labrador's Vital Signs, read the full report here: Vital Signs 2024

Vital Signs 2024



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