
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive (MUNFLA), like the Department of Folklore, was established in 1968 by Dr. Herbert Halpert; both were borne of the Department of English. 

Today, MUNFLA is an integral part of the teaching and research activities of the Department of Folklore at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The Archive has become a remarkable resource based on the contributions of students, faculty, staff, and other researchers from the past 50+ years.

MUNFLA's main mandate is to facilitate research on Newfoundland and Labrador culture and to archive such material in order to make a permanent record for future generations. The Archive also provides experiential learning opportunities. Students are encouraged to discover its value through work as archival assistants, and by conducting their own research with its materials.

The use of MUNFLA is not, however, limited to only the Memorial University community. The Archive is also open to the general public. Many have availed of MUNFLA's holdings to aid in personal research for family history, song composition, book writing, and more.

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