Academic Integrity
Academic integrity implies honesty and responsibility in scholarship. It applies to students and faculty alike, and requires that any academic work be the result of an individual’s own efforts, and that intellectual contributions from others be consistently and responsibly acknowledged.
Academic integrity is fundamental to life at Memorial University of Newfoundland. All engineering students are obligated to practice the highest standards of academic integrity, and to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with Memorial University’s Code of Student Conduct and the Engineering Student Code of Conduct.
Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct
Academic dishonesty, or academic misconduct, is any form of dishonest or improper action that may occur in relation to a formal academic exercise.
Within Memorial University’s community, there is a collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. A student is expected to adhere to those principles which constitute proper academic conduct. Academic misconduct cannot be condoned, or even appear to be condoned. A student has the responsibility to know which actions, as described in the University Calendar under Academic Offences, could be construed as dishonest or improper.
If an instructor suspects that a student has committed an academic offence, a specific set of procedures must be followed. This process is visualized in the Formal Procedure Flowchart for Cases of Academic Misconduct and described in detail in the corresponding section of the University Calendar.
Subcommittee on Academic Integrity
In November 2009, the Faculty's Committee on Undergraduate Studies (CUGS) established a Subcommittee on Academic Integrity (SAI). The focus of SAI is to develop practices and processes to promote a strong culture of academic integrity within the undergraduate engineering program. The SAI is continually developing resources to assist students, faculty and staff concerning manners of undergraduate academic integrity in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. The subcommittee is comprised of faculty members, staff members, and undergraduate students. By including all stakeholders in this committee, the policies can best reflect the entire faculty.
For further information, please contact the SAI Chair, Theo Norvell at theo[at] or by calling 709-864-8962.
Professional Integrity
Professional integrity (like academic integrity to students/faculty) is fundamental to life as a professional engineer (PEng). Like professional engineers, engineering students are expected be professional in all endeavours and are encouraged to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the PEG-NL Code of Ethics.
As part of process of completing the B.Eng. program, students will take part in the Iron Pin Ceremony. This event is a way for students to acknowledge the importance of integrity in everything that they do both in their academic journeys to becoming engineers and while they are working in their respective fields.