Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry at Memorial University is one of the largest and most research active chemistry departments in Atlantic Canada. Our 20 faculty members and 10 adjunct or cross-appointed faculty supervise over 80 graduate students who are working on M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in our research laboratories. Researchers in our department study all areas of chemistry such as analytical, biological, computational/theoretical, environmental, inorganic, materials, oceans, organic and physical. On an annual basis the department brings in close to $3M in external funding for our research efforts.

We also have laboratory instructors, instructional assistants, and several technical and office staff supporting our graduate and undergraduate programs. Besides our Honours and Major Degrees, we offer a Major and Honours B.Sc. in Computational Chemistry, as well as Joint Honours Degrees with Applied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, and Physics. Each year approximately 20 students graduate with B.Sc. degrees in Chemistry which are accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry along with another 15 Minors in Chemistry. All of our students have opportunities to conduct research during their undergraduate degrees.

Michael (Mike) J. Newlands 1931-2021

Seminar Series 2024

Positions Available

Youth Science Award

Contact Information


Apr 1, 2025
