Hershey was born in 1908 in
Ossowo, Michigan. He studied at Michigan State College, he obtained his
B.sc in 1930 ( the year Chase was born!) and Phd in 1934.
In the 1940's Max
Delbruck contacted Hershey to say he was very interested in his work
and the papers he had published. He asked Hershey to come to Nashville
to see his lab and perhaps to some experiments. Hershey accepted and
was the third person in what was to be called the phage group
Hershey went on to
teach and do research at the Washington University School of Medicine
until 1950 when he came to Cold Spring Harbor.
In 1951 he and Chase performed and published their
famous blender experiment, which then lead to Hershey recieving the
Nobel Prize in 1969 which he shared with Luria and Delbruck for
their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic
structure of viruses.